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Louisiana Used Motor Vehicle Commission

c/o Derek Parnell
3132 Valley Creek Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

(225) 925-3870

R.S. 32:783

MemberAddressSeat Information
Vacant Appt by Gov; Used Mtr Veh Prod Deal; Rep PSC 1
Vacant Appt by Gov; Used Mtr Veh Prod Deal; Rep PSC 4
Amedee, Darren P.1337 E Eva St
Gonzales, LA 70737-5443
Appt by Gov; Used Mtr Veh Prod Deal; Rep PSC 3
Britt, Jefferey E.P. O. Box 278
Monterey, LA 71354
Appt by Gov; Consumer; At Large
Brown, Travis W.P. O. Box 1536
Ferriday, LA 71334-9615
Appt by Gov; Lic Auto Dismantler or Parts Recycler
Delahoussaye, Kevin S.7 Traminer Dr
Kenner, LA 70065-1133
Appt by Gov; Consumer; At Large
Donnell, Rickey L.4268 Front St.
Winnsboro, LA 71295
Appt by Gov; Used Mtr Veh Prod Deal; Rep PSC 5
Kyes, Wedge L.Wedge Kyes Import Specialties, Inc.
10485 Airline Hwy
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Appt by Gov; Used Mtr Veh Prod Deal; Rep PSC 2
Lala, Gregory A.Dixie Motors LLC dba Great American RV Superstores
10241 Destination Dr
Hammond, LA 70403
Appt by Gov; Consumer; At Large; Chair
Pedersen, Matthew A.2435 Broad St
Lake Charles, LA 70601
Appt by Gov; Lic to Conduct Used MOVH Auctions or Salvage Pool Auctions

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P.O. Box 94062 (900 North Third Street) Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9062