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Louisiana Environmental Education Commission

c/o Molly Talbot
1201 N. Third Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

(225) 342-3187

R.S. 17:202

MemberAddressSeat Information
Vacant Appt by Gov; Sec, CRT or Desig
Vacant Appt by Gov; Environ Educator; Rep CD 1
Vacant Appt by Gov; Environ Advoc Org
Vacant Appt by Gov; Rep Environ Advoc Org
Vacant Appt by Gov; Rep Industrial Cmty
Bauder, MelanieLA DEQ - Water Planning & Assessment
P.. O. Box 4314
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4314
Ex-O; Sec, DEQ or Desig
Bercegeay, AdrianeLSU Ag Center
103 Jefferson Bldg
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Ex-O; Chan, LSU AgCtr or Desig
Berken, Kevin M.12527 Hwy 14
Lake Arthur, LA 70549-5106
Appt by Gov; Rep BESE
Blackett, Billy D. Sr.6901 Westlake Road
Sterlington, LA 71280-3239
Appt by Gov; Rep Industrial Cmty
Breaux, Joseph C. "Joey" Jr.5825 Florida Blvd., Suite 7000
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Ex-O; Comm'r, LDAF or Desig
Chappell, ChristopherSouthern University Ag Center
P. O. Box 10010
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
Ex-O; Chan, SU or Desig
Conner, Connie H.250 Conner Road
Longville, LA 70652-4024
Appt by Gov; Environ Educator; Rep CD 4
Conover, Jennifer P. "Murt"LUMCON
8124 Hwy 56
Chauvin, LA 70344
Appt by Gov; Mbr of the Brd of Regents or Desig
Courtright, David "Scott"12225 N Oak Hills Pky
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-4671
Appt by Gov; Rep Small Bus Cmty
DiIullo, Danielle201 Sea Grant Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Appt by Gov, Environ Educator; Rep CD 6
Egger, Heather L.1312 Frankel Avenue
Metairie, LA 70003-5002
Appt by Gov; Environ Educator; At Large
Grandy, Greg150 Terrace Ave
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Ex-O; Exec Asst for Coastal Activities or Desig
Joubert, Caitlin F.5825 Florida Blvd
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Appt by Gov; Environ Educator; Rep CD 3
Keith-Vincent, Lindsey B., Ph.D.LA Tech University
P. O. Box 3163
Ruston, LA 71272
Appt by Gov; Environ Educator; Rep CD 5
LaCaze, Julius Pierre2510 St. Charles St
Lecompte, LA 71346
Appt by Gov; Mbr of LSTA
Lewis, HarryTown of Rayville
P. O. Box 878
Rayville, LA 71269-0878
Appt by Gov; Rep Local Govt
Maygarden, Diane F.1001 Lurline Dr
Jefferson, LA 70121
Appt by Gov; Environ Educator; Rep CD 2
Narez, RobinLA State Energy Office
P. O. Box 44277
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9396
Ex-O; Sec, DENR or Desig
Olexia, DarcieLDH
Ex-O; Sec, LDH or Desig
Richard, Jacqueline M.110 St Ann St
Belle Chasse, LA 70037-2216
Appt by Gov; Prof Environ Sci
Seely, LindsayDW&F
Baton Rouge, LA
Ex-O; Sec, LDWF or Desig
Talbot, Molly1201 N. Third St
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Ex-O; Supt of Educ or Desig

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