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State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision

c/o Bobby J. Lee, Jr. (Asst. Debra Robertson)
P. O. Box 94304
Baton Rouge, LA 70804

(225) 342-6608

R.S. 15:574.34

MemberAddressSeat Information
Vacant Appt by Gov; Rep the Exec Branch
Barrow, Regina Ashford (Sen.)4811 Harding Blvd., Ste. G
Baton Rouge, LA 70811
Appt by Senate Pres; MBR of Legis Branch
Covington, Rhett S.Department of Public Safety and Corrections
PO Box 94304-Capitol Station
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9304
Appt by Gov; Compact Admin
Stephens, James M.310 A. J. Stephens Rd
Baskin, LA 71219-9506
Appt by Compact Admin; Rep Judicial
Theriot, Catalene B.202 Acadian Ln
Franklin, LA 70538-6155
Appt by Compact Admin; Rep Victims Grp

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