Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council

c/o Ebony Haven, Interim Executive Director
P. O. Box 14148
Baton Rouge, LA 70898

(225) 342-6804

R.S. 28:753

MemberAddressSeat Information
Vacant Appt by Gov; Immed Rel of Adult w/DD
Barovechio, Patti G., DNPP. O. Box 60630
New Orleans, LA 70160
Appt by Gov; Rep OPH, LDH
Bayham, Melissa O.P. O. Box 91297
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Appt by Gov; Rep Rehab Svc
Bennett, Brian E.Bureau of Health Services Financing
P. O. Box 91030, Bin #24
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Appt by Gov; Rep Prin State Agcy; BHSF, LDH
Billings, Charles M. "Mike"943 Birmingham Dr
Baton Rouge, LA 70819
Appt by Gov; Par of Child w/ DD
Blunschi, Ayden X.311 Weecama Rd
Ferriday, LA 71334-4512
Appt by Gov; Indv w/ DD
Boynton, Jude A.P. O. Box 588
Garyville, LA 70051
Appt by Gov; Ind w/DD
Crain, Cheri A.602 N Fifth St
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Appt by Gov; Rep LA GOEA
Ennis, JamarP. O. Box 94004
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
Appt by Gov; Rep GODA
Gonzales, Christi M.845 Moresi Rd #2
Jeanerette, LA 70544-8425
Appt by Gov; Par of Child w/ DD; Chair
Hagan, Julie F.LDH/OCDD
P. O. Box 3117 Bin #21
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Appt by Gov; Rep. OCDD
Hano, Jill M.184 Hibiscus Pl
River Ridge, LA 70123-2547
Appt by Gov; Indv w/ DD
Harmon, Angela B.2315 Poplarwood Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70816-3051
Appt by Gov; Par of Child w/ DD
Hymel, Roslyn M.100 Central Ave
Jefferson, LA 70121
Appt by Gov; Indv w/ DD
Jordan, Meredith F.22346 Level St.
Abita Springs, LA 70420
Appt by Gov; Rep LDOE
Kelly-Aduli, Cherie A.39 Cardinal Ln
Mandeville, LA 70471-6758
Appt by Gov; Rep Local, Non-Gov and/or Non-Profit Agcy
Macaluso, Frank J.116 Mallard Dr #B
Hammond, LA 70401-7535
Appt by Gov; Indv w/ DD
Meda, Lamartine "Lamar" PhD28 Forstall Ave
Kenner, LA 70065-3334
Appt by Gov; Par of Adult w/ DD
Nguyen, Pasqueal M.107 Garden Oaks Ave
Youngsville, LA 70592-6726
Appt by Gov; Par of Child w/ DD
Piontek, Anthony G. "Tony"2205 Terre Ruelle
New Iberia, LA 70563
Appt by Gov; Indv w/ DD
Rocca, Tory M.8325 Oak St.
New Orleans, LA 70118
Appt by Gov; Rep DRLA (Formerly LA Advocacy Center)
Smith, Robert C. Jr.4009 Jurgens St
Metairie, LA 70002-3001
Appt by Gov; Par of Child w/ DD
Stewart, Brooke E.3550 Grandlake Blvd., Apt B304
Kenner, LA 70065
Appt by Gov; Par of Child w/ DD
Taylor, Erick W.8280 Cypress Rd #3111
Baton Rouge, LA 70811-3976
Appt by Gov; Indiv w/ DD
Washington, Renoda B.1125 2nd Ave
Lake Charles, LA 70601-5531
Appt by Gov; Par of Child w/ DD
Webb, Vivienne E.713 Cecile Pl
Shreveport, LA 71106-1201
Appt by Gov; Ind w/ DD
Williams, Gearry T.Office of Aging and Adult Services (OAAS)
P. O. Box 2031, BIN #14
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-2031
Appt by Gov; Rep Prin State Agcy; Rep OAAS, LDH
Wilson, Philip G., Ph.D.411 S. Prieur St
New Orleans, LA 70112
Appt by Gov; Rep LSU-HSC Human Dev Ctr
Xu, Zheng "Karen"10305 Springrose Ave
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-792
Appt by Gov; Par of Child w/ DD