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Citator Index to Acts

Changes Effected by the 2023 Regular Session

to the Revised Statutes, TITLE 31 - MINERAL CODE

Title/Section Change Act
31:11(Heading) Amend Act 88
31:39 Amend Act 88
31:75 Amend Act 88
31:79 Amend Act 88
31:114 Amend Act 88
31:138.1(A) Amend Act 88
31:138.1(B) Amend Act 88
31:149(A) Amend Act 150
31:156 Amend Act 88
31:164 Amend Act 88
31:166 Amend Act 88
31:175 Amend Act 88
31:192 Amend Act 88
31:204 Amend Act 88
31:206(A) Amend Act 88

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