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Citator Index to Acts

Changes Effected by the 2023 Regular Session

to the Revised Statutes, TITLE 51 - TRADE AND COMMERCE

Title/Section Change Act
51:911.22(4) Amend Act 349
51:911.24(I)(4) Enact Act 349
51:911.26(B)(1) Amend Act 349
51:911.26(F)(12) Enact Act 349
51:911.47 Enact Act 349
51:912.23(1)(f) Amend Act 349
51:1301(D) Amend Act 255
51:1601(H) Amend Act 150
51:1602(3) Amend Act 150
51:1602(5) Amend Act 150
51:1602(8) Amend Act 150
51:1602(13) Amend Act 150
51:1602(15) Amend Act 150
51:1603(7)(c) Amend Act 150
51:1603(intro para) Amend Act 150
51:1605(B)(12) Amend Act 150
51:1605(B)(13) Amend Act 150
51:1605(B)(14) Amend Act 150
51:1605(B)(15) Amend Act 150
51:1751 Enact Act 456
51:1752 Enact Act 456
51:1753 Enact Act 456
51:1754 Enact Act 456
51:1755 Enact Act 456
51:1756 Enact Act 456
51:1757 Enact Act 456
51:1758 Enact Act 456
51:1759 Enact Act 456
51:2121 Enact Act 216
51:2370.21 Enact Act 383
51:2370.22 Enact Act 383
51:2370.23 Enact Act 383
51:2370.24 Enact Act 383
51:2370.25 Enact Act 383
51:2370.26 Enact Act 383
51:2370.27 Enact Act 383
51:2370.28 Enact Act 383
51:2370.29 Enact Act 383
51:2370.30 Enact Act 383
51:2370.31 Enact Act 383
51:2370.32 Enact Act 383
51:2370.33 Enact Act 383
51:2701 Enact Act 459

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