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Constitutional Amendments / Joint Resolutions
of the 2005 First Extraordinary Session

  There are 14 Instruments in this List    Show 100 Items
Instrument  Author         Status         Considered
HB34 ALARIO Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 70 more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM-EXEMPTION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for continuation of homestead exemption and special assessment level for property damaged or destroyed by natural disaster (Item #41) (EN +$3,325,000 GF EX See Note)
HB134 W.HUNTER Subject to call - House referral more...
    ELECTED OFFICIALS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to residency or domicile requirements for qualifying for or holding office when a person has been temporarily displaced by a gubernatorially declared state of emergency (Item #58)
HB139 ALARIO Subject to call - House final passage more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  (Constitutional Amendment) Changes the name of the Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Fund and provides for the deposit of certain federal revenues into the fund (Item #3) (OR SEE FISC NOTE FF RV)
HB146 ALARIO Subject to call - House final passage more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for the appropriation of additional amounts in the Budget Stabilization Fund following the declaration of a state disaster or emergency (Item #19) (EG SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note)
HB150 M.POWELL Pending House Appropriations more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING-BUDGET, ST:  (Constitutional Amendment) Creates the Louisiana Deficit Reduction Fund in state treasury (Item #27) (OR SEE FISC NOTE SD RV)
HB152 ALARIO Pending House Appropriations more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for balance and use of monies in the Budget Stabilization Fund (Item #19)
HB153 W.HUNTER Pending House Appropriations more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for the balance and for the appropriation of additional amounts in the Budget Stabilization Fund following the declaration of a state disaster or emergency (Item #19)
HB154 W.HUNTER Pending House Appropriations more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for the balance and for the appropriation of additional amounts in the Budget Stabilization Fund following the declaration of a state disaster or emergency (Item #19)
HB155 W.HUNTER Pending House Appropriations more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  (Constitutional Amendment) Use of monies appropriated from the Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund
SB9 QUINN Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Sched. for 11/10/05 more...
    TAX EXEMPTIONS:  Constitutional amendment to authorize retention of the homestead exemption and the special assessment level at its pre-disaster level if the homestead is unoccupied because of damage or destruction by a disaster or emergency if the repaired or rebuilt homestead is reoccupied within five years. (OR +$125,000 GF EX See Note)
SB18 MOUNT Subject to call - House referral more...
    TAX EXEMPTIONS:  Constitutional amendment to authorize retention of the homestead exemption and the special assessment level at its pre-disaster level if the homestead is unoccupied because of damage or destruction by a disaster or emergency if the repaired or rebuilt homestead is reoccupied within five years. (EG +$125,000 GF EX See Note)
SB27 DUPRE Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 69 more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  Constitutional amendment to change name of Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Fund to Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund, and provide that certain federal revenues received by the state generated from Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas activity shall be credited to the fund and used only for certain purposes. (EN SEE FISC NOTE FF RV See Note)
SB91 NEVERS Pending Senate Finance more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  Constitutional amendment to authorize appropriation of certain monies placed in the Budget Stabilization Fund to be used for certain operating expenses for health, safety, and education only when a disaster or emergency has been declared by the governor. (2/3 - CA13s1(A))
SB92 F.HEITMEIER Pending Senate Finance Sched. for 11/17/05 more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  Provides for the appropriation of additional amounts in the Budget Stabilization Fund following the declaration of a state disaster or emergency. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (OR SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note)
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