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      RS 46:1051     




§1051.  Authority to create and alter the boundaries of districts

A.  The police juries of parishes are authorized and empowered, upon their own initiative, to form and create one or more hospital service districts within the respective parishes, or with agreement among police juries concerned, to combine two or more parishes into a single hospital service district with such names as the police juries may designate, and, in so doing, police juries may create hospital service districts whose boundaries overlap those of other hospital service districts.

B.  The police juries are further authorized and empowered, upon their own initiative, to alter the boundaries of any hospital service district, provided that no such boundary change shall cause an impairment of the obligations of any contract of the hospital service district.

C.  Such creation of overlapping hospital service districts or the alteration of the boundaries of any hospital service district prior to July 31, 1968, are hereby expressly validated, ratified and confirmed.

D.  The governing authority of Pointe Coupee Parish may rename the Pointe Coupee Parish Hospital Service District Number One as the Pointe Coupee Parish Health Services District Number One; in such case, such district and its commission shall continue to have all powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities as provided in this Chapter for hospital service districts, and their commissions and the parish governing authority shall continue to have all powers, duties, functions, and responsibilities as provided in this Chapter with respect to such district.

E.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsections A and B of this Section, the governing authority of Ouachita Parish shall not abolish or alter the boundaries of Hospital Service District No. 1 of the Parish of Ouachita unless the abolition or alteration is approved by two-thirds of the full membership of the board of commissioners of the district and approved by a majority of the voters of the district, as the district existed on January 1, 1997, voting at an election held for the purpose of authorizing such abolition or alteration in accordance with the Louisiana Election Code.  The parish governing authority or the board of commissioners may call an election for such purpose after the board of commissioners has voted for such approval as provided in this Subsection.

Acts 1950, No. 420, §1.  Amended by Acts 1968, No. 35, §1; Acts 1986, No. 326, §1; Acts 1997, No. 436, §2, eff. June 22, 1997.

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