§925. Criminal penalties; offenses
A. Any person, firm, or corporation convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction
of any of the following offenses shall be subject to a fine of not more than five hundred
(1) To willfully make, or cause to be made, any false entry or statement of fact.
(2) To willfully make, or cause to be made, any false entry in any account, record,
or memorandum required pursuant to this Part.
(3) To willfully neglect or fail to make full, true, and factual entries in any accounts,
records, or memoranda required pursuant to this Part.
(4) To willfully remove out of the state's jurisdiction, or mutilate, alter, or by any
other means falsify any documentary evidence required pursuant to this Part.
(5) To willfully refuse to submit to the commissioner or to his authorized agents, for
the purpose of inspection and making copies, any documentary evidence required pursuant
to this Part.
B. The department shall not impose a fine pursuant to the provisions of this Section
if the federal government has imposed a fine for the same violation pursuant to provisions
of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act.
Acts 2017, No. 327, §1, eff. June 22, 2017.