§342. Board of commissioners; members; officers; personal immunity
A. The district shall be governed by a board of commissioners, referred to in this Part
as the "board", consisting of twenty-six members as follows:
(1) The governor or his designee.
(2) The commissioner of agriculture and forestry or his designee.
(3) The president of the local governing authority for the parish of East Carroll or his
(4) The president of the local governing authority for the parish of Concordia or his
(5) The president of the local governing authority for the parish of Madison or his
(6) The president of the local governing authority for the parish of Tensas or his
(7) The president of Louisiana Tech University or his designee.
(8) The president of the University of Louisiana at Monroe or his designee.
(9) The president of the Southern University System or his designee.
(10) The president of the Louisiana State University System or his designee.
(11) The president of Grambling State University or his designee.
(12) The state representative for House District 19 or his designee.
(13) The state representative for House District 21 or his designee.
(14) The state senator for Senate District 32 or his designee.
(15) The state senator for Senate District 34 or his designee.
(16) The mayor of the city of Tallulah or his designee.
(17) The mayor of the town of Lake Providence or his designee.
(18) The mayor of the town of Newellton or his designee.
(19) The mayor of the town of St. Joseph or his designee.
(20) The mayor of the town of Waterproof or his designee.
(21) The mayor of the town of Clayton or his designee.
(22) The mayor of the town of Ferriday or his designee.
(23) The mayor of the town of Vidalia or his designee.
(24) The secretary of Louisiana Economic Development or his designee as an ex
officio nonvoting member.
(25) The president of the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation or his designee as an
ex officio nonvoting member.
(26) The president of the Louisiana Cotton and Grain Association or his designee as
an ex officio nonvoting member.
B.(1) Members shall serve during their tenure in the offices listed in Subsection A
of this Section.
(2) The presidents of Louisiana Tech University, University of Louisiana at Monroe,
Southern University System, Louisiana State University System, and Grambling State
University and the chair of the Louisiana Public Transit Association shall serve as ex officio
members without voting rights.
C. Any vacancy in the membership of the board, occurring by reason of death,
resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the interim or acting person who assumes the
duties of the person who held the now-vacant seat until an election can be held or a
permanent appointment can be made.
D. The members of the board shall serve without compensation. The board may
reimburse any member for expenses actually incurred in the performance of his duties
pursuant to this Part.
E. Members of the board individually and members of their immediate families are
prohibited from bidding on or entering into any contract, subcontract, or other transaction
that is under the supervision or jurisdiction of the district.
F. The board shall elect from among its own members a chairman, vice chairman,
secretary, and treasurer, whose duties shall be those usual to such offices. At the option of
the board, the offices of secretary and treasurer may be held by one person.
G. The board shall meet in regular session on the second Wednesday at the beginning
of each quarter of a calendar year and shall also meet in special session as often as the
chairman of the board convenes the board. A majority of the voting members of the board
shall constitute a quorum.
H. The board shall prescribe rules to govern its meetings, may draft and implement
bylaws to control and implement the activities of the board, and shall maintain suitable
offices in the district.
I.(1) The board may hire staff persons to manage the day-to-day management
operations of the district. The board shall establish the duties and responsibilities and the
salary and benefits for the positions . Staff persons shall report directly to the chairman of
the board and, with approval of the board, may hire an administrative assistant.
(2) Staff persons hired after July 1, 2024, shall be residents of the state. The
provision of this Paragraph shall not apply to staff persons employed prior to July 1, 2024.
J. The board, its members, and its agents shall be immune from personal liability for
actions taken in good faith in the discharge of the board's responsibilities. The state shall
hold the board, its members, and its agents harmless from all costs, damages, and attorney
fees arising from claims and suits against them with respect to matters to which such
immunity applies.
Acts 2021, No. 337, §1; Acts 2023, No. 265, §1; Acts 2024, No. 602, §1.