§347. General compliances; enhancement
A. No provision of this Part shall be construed to exempt the district from
compliance with the provisions of Louisiana laws pertaining to open meetings, public
records, fiscal agents, official journals, dual officeholding and employment, public bidding
for the purchase of supplies and materials and construction of public works, the Code of
Governmental Ethics, the Right to Property in Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution of
Louisiana, and the Louisiana Election Code.
B. The district shall have the power and right to adopt a program or programs
awarding contracts to, and establishing set-aside goals and preference procedures for the
benefit of, businesses owned and operated by socially or economically disadvantaged persons
in accordance with any of the provisions of R.S. 38:2233 and of Chapter 19 of Title 39 of the
Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, entitled "Louisiana Minority and Women's Business
Enterprise Act".
C. The financial records of the district shall be audited pursuant to R.S. 24:513.
Acts 2021, No. 337, §1.