NOTE: §12 eff. until ratification of the const. amend. proposed by Acts 2024, 3rd Ex. Sess.,
No. 1.
§12. Reports and Records
Section 12. Reports and records of the collection, expenditure, investment, and use
of state money and those relating to state obligations shall be matters of public record, except
returns of taxpayers and matters pertaining to those returns.
NOTE: §12 eff. upon ratification of the const. amend. proposed by Acts 2024, 3rd Ex. Sess.,
No. 1.
§12. State Bond Commission
Section 12.(A) Creation. The State Bond Commission is created. Its membership
and authority shall be determined by law.
(B) Approval of Bonds. No bonds or other obligations shall be issued or sold by the
state, directly or through any state board, agency, or commission, or by any political
subdivision of the state, unless prior written approval of the bond commission is obtained.
(C) Contesting State Bonds. Bonds, notes, certificates, or other evidences of
indebtedness of the state, hereafter referred to as "bonds", shall not be invalid because of
any irregularity or defect in the proceedings or in the issuance and sale thereof and shall be
incontestable in the hands of a bona fide purchaser or holder. The issuing agency, after
authorizing the issuance of bonds by resolution, shall publish once in the official journal of
the state, as provided by law, a notice of intention to issue the bonds. The notice shall
include a description of the bonds and the security therefor. Within thirty days after the
publication, any person in interest may contest the legality of the resolution, any provision
of the bonds to be issued pursuant to it, the provisions securing the bonds, and the validity
of all other provisions and proceedings relating to the authorization and issuance of the
bonds. If no action or proceeding is instituted within the thirty days, no person may contest
the validity of the bonds, the provisions of the resolution pursuant to which the bonds were
issued, the security of the bonds, or the validity of any other provisions or proceedings
relating to their authorization and issuance, and the bonds shall be presumed conclusively
to be legal. Thereafter no court shall have authority to inquire into such matters.
Acts 2024, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 1, §1, See Act.