§1435. Authority of the commissioner
The commissioner may:
(1) Employ agents necessary to enforce this Part and the rules and regulations made
under this Part.
(2) In order to have access to seeds subject to this Part, enter, during regular business
hours, any public or private premises where agricultural, vegetable, or flower seeds or other
propagating stock is sold, offered for sale, or distributed.
(3) Issue and enforce a stop order to the person with a lot of seed or other
propagating stock that the commissioner finds, or has good reason to believe, is in violation
of this Part or the rules and regulations made under this Part.
(4) Establish and maintain a seed laboratory; employ a State seed analyst, other
analysts, and other personnel whose work he shall direct and supervise; and incur such other
expenses necessary to comply with this Part.
(5) Make purity, germination, and additional tests of seeds for persons upon request.
The analyses shown by these tests shall be confidential and shall be made available only to
the requestor, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the requestor, and shall be exempt
from the Public Records Law, R.S. 44:1 et seq.
(6) Enter, either directly or through a duly authorized agent, the premises of any
person producing, processing, distributing, or selling seeds and examine that person's books,
accounts, and records, and obtain any other information necessary, for purposes of enforcing
the provisions of this Part and the regulations adopted pursuant to this Part.
(7) Seek and obtain injunctive or other civil relief to restrain and prevent violations
of this Part, or rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Part, or orders and rulings
issued by the commissioner pursuant to this Part.
(8) Institute civil proceedings to enforce his orders or rulings, collect any
assessments, late fees, fines, penalties, or costs due under this Part or to otherwise enforce
the provisions of this Part or rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Part.
Amended by Acts 1977, No. 149, §3; Acts 2003, No. 175, §1, eff. July 1, 2003; Acts
2012, No. 146, §1, eff. May 14, 2012; Acts 2013, No. 26, §1, eff. May 23, 2013; Acts 2018,
No. 362, §1, eff. May 20, 2018; Acts 2020, No. 148, §1.