§1437. Registration of seed dealers
A. Every person, except persons exempt by R.S. 3:1445, including an out-of-state
distributor, who labels, sells, offers, or handles for sale in or distributes for sale in Louisiana,
agricultural, vegetable, or flower seeds or other propagating stock of one pound or more in
weight within Louisiana shall register with the commissioner as a seed dealer. Every seed
dealer shall register the number and location of each place of business at which the seeds are
labeled, sold, distributed, or offered or handled for sale. The commissioner shall issue to the
registered seed dealer a license to engage in the business.
B. The commissioner shall issue a license on an annual basis with licenses expiring
on the first day of July of each year following the issuance date. The commissioner shall
establish the fee for the license. The fee shall be established by rule adopted in accordance
with the Administrative Procedure Act. The amount of the fee shall not exceed two hundred
Amended by Acts 1975, No. 766, §4; Acts 1977, No. 149, §5; Acts 1988, No. 162,
§1; Acts 2003, No. 175, §1, eff. July 1, 2003; Acts 2013, No. 26, §1, eff. May 23, 2013; Acts
2015, No. 318, §1.