§2364. Louisiana Animal Control Advisory Task Force
A. For purposes of this Section, the term "animal" shall mean a dog or cat.
B. The Louisiana Animal Control Advisory Task Force is hereby created within the
office of the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry under the direction of the
state veterinarian for the purpose of assisting community programs in ensuring and
promoting the proper treatment and well-being of animals. The task force shall consist of
the following seven members to be appointed by the commissioner of agriculture:
(1) One member who is a small animal veterinarian.
(2) One member who is a director of a public animal control agency.
(3) Two individuals from the public at large.
(4) One representative from the Louisiana Animal Control Association.
(5) One representative from the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association.
(6) The state veterinarian.
C. The state veterinarian shall have the powers and duties necessary to carry out the
purposes of this Section, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Support local and municipal animal control enforcement efforts.
(2) Support law enforcement in the investigation and prosecution of animal cruelty
(3) Make recommendations concerning the care and keeping of animals.
(4) Coordinate a statewide voluntary pet database that will assist animal owners in
recovering lost animals.
(5) Formulate and implement proposals to deal with animal overpopulation.
(6) Promulgate rules and regulations that may be adopted by parish and local
authorities for the proper care and treatment of animals.
(7) Inspect animal impoundment facilities for the purpose of making
recommendations to the appropriate governing authority for improvements to those facilities
and their operations wherever such facilities are operated by a government animal control
agency or designated by municipal or parish governments to be used for the purpose of
impoundment of animals. The governing authority shall provide the state veterinarian, or his
designee, with reasonable access to the facility, and access to its records, and personnel
within seven days of receipt of a written request.
(8) Submit written requests to the appropriate governing authority to have its animal
control agency produce public records pertaining to animal intake, adoption, and euthanasia.
D. The task force shall act in an advisory capacity to the state veterinarian and report
activities periodically.
E.(1) Members of the task force shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing
(2) The task force shall meet at least once per calendar year. Additional special or
regular meetings may be held upon the call of the chairman.
(3) Task force members shall serve without compensation.
F. The department shall submit an annual report to the House and Senate committees
on Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture, and Rural Development no later than February first
of each year regarding the status of the animal control program as provided for in this
G. If the department does not receive the necessary funds, incurs a reduction in
funds, or receives insufficient monies to fund or continue the task force, the task force shall
become inactive.
Acts 2001, No. 656, §1; Acts 2004, No. 74, §1; Acts 2004, No. 189, §1; Acts 2005,
No. 248, §1, eff. June 29, 2005; Acts 2008, No. 796, §1; Acts 2016, No. 381, §1; Acts 2017,
No. 422, §1.