§2462. Definitions
As used in this Part, the following words shall have the following meanings ascribed
to them:
(1) "Animal dealer" means a person who receives payment for the transportation or
delivery for transportation of any living or dead animal or who buys, sells, or negotiates the
purchase or sale of any living or dead animal for research, teaching, exhibition, or biological
(2) "Animal shelter" means any building, structure, site, enclosure, or other facility
used or operated for the housing or keeping of any stray, homeless, abandoned, or unwanted
animals including any facility designated by the parish governing authority for the keeping
or housing of any impounded animals.
(3) "Biological supply facility" means any blood bank, laboratory, firm, association,
corporation, copartnership, or educational institution that sells biological materials, including
blood or living or dead animals, to research facilities, educational institutions, or
(4) "Cruelty" means every act or failure to act whereby unjustifiable physical pain
or suffering is caused or permitted.
(5) "Euthanasia" or "euthanize" means the act of inducing a painless death upon an
animal in a humane manner.
(6) "Person" means an individual, corporation, or association.
(7) "Primary enclosure" means any structure used to immediately restrict an animal
or animals to a limited amount of space, such as a room, pen, run, cage, compartment, or
(8) "Research facility" means any school, institution, organization, or person that
uses or intends to use animals in research or experiments.
(9) "Social media account" means an internet-based service that allows individuals
to do the following:
(a) Construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system created by the
(b) Create a list of other users with whom they share a connection within the system.
(c) View and navigate their list of connections and those made by others within the
Acts 1985, No. 806, §1, eff. July 22, 1985; Acts 2017, No. 184, §1; Acts 2019, No.
383, §1.