§3004. Impounding livestock found at large upon highways
A. All sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, constables, justices of the peace, or animal control
authorities of any parish in which livestock was found at large shall, and any other person
may, take possession of and impound any livestock found at large upon any public highway
of this state in any ward where livestock is presently prohibited from roaming at large or may
hereafter be prohibited from roaming at large as hereinafter provided for. Any livestock so
taken and impounded shall be impounded in the parish in which taken, and when taken by
a sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, justice of the peace, or animal control authority, the
owner thereof shall be notified personally or by leaving written notice at the place of his
residence within twenty-four hours after taking possession of such livestock. Any person
other than a sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, or justice of the peace taking possession of and
impounding livestock shall immediately notify the sheriff of the parish in which the livestock
is taken, and said sheriff shall, within twenty-four hours of such notification, notify the
owner in the manner provided in this Subsection.
B.(1) Except as provided in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection, the owner of livestock
so taken shall have the right to secure his livestock upon the payment to the officer or person
taking up the livestock of an impoundment fee of ten dollars for each head of livestock taken
and a daily boarding fee of ten dollars for each animal.
(2) Except during a gubernatorially declared state of emergency, in Vermilion Parish,
the owner of livestock so taken shall have the right to secure his livestock upon the payment
to the officer or person taking up the livestock of an impoundment fee of one hundred dollars
for the first head of livestock taken and twenty dollars for each head taken thereafter if the
officer secures the livestock. He shall also pay to the person taking and impounding such
livestock a daily boarding fee of ten dollars for each animal. During a gubernatorially
declared state of emergency, the provisions of Paragraph (1) of this Subsection shall apply
to Vermilion Parish.
Acts 1958, No. 399, §1; Acts 1977, No. 503, §1, eff. July 13, 1977; Acts 1999, No.
1065, §1; Acts 2006, No. 756, §1; Acts 2019, No. 250, §1; Acts 2024, No. 55, §1, eff. May
15, 2024.