§314. State office of rural development
A. There is hereby created within the office of the governor an office of rural
development. The head of the office shall be the director of rural development who shall be
appointed by the governor to serve at his pleasure. The appointment shall be subject to
Senate confirmation.
B. The director shall employ necessary staff to carry out the duties and functions of
the office as otherwise provided in this Chapter, or as otherwise provided by law. As part
of the necessary staff, the director shall employ one regional director in each of the eight
regional planning commission districts of the state. Each applicant for the position of
regional director shall reside in the district in which he seeks employment as a regional
director. Any person hired as a regional director shall remain a resident of the district in
which he is employed throughout the entirety of his employment. Regional directors shall
serve under the supervision of the director and assist with the functions and duties assigned
by the director and as provided for under this Chapter.
C. The director shall prepare and submit to the governor and the House and Senate
Committees on Agriculture, Forestry, Aquaculture and Rural Development annually, on
March first of each year, a comprehensive report concerning the assistance activities
undertaken by the office, recommendations for legislative proposals, data concerning
program activities in rural areas, and other pertinent information which will indicate the
activities conducted by the office in the previous year.
D. The governor shall direct that all state agencies provide the director with
assistance in advancing the purpose of the office and to assure that the activities of the office
are fully coordinated with the activities of state agencies providing related services.
Acts 1990, No. 216, §1; Acts 1991, No. 396, §2; Acts 1991, No. 449, §1; Acts 2003,
No. 116, §1, eff. May 28, 2003; Acts 2021, No. 331, §1.