§323. Administration of funds; rules and regulations; program guidelines
A. The Rural Development Fund shall be administered by the office of rural
development. Subject to the budget process and appropriations made for such purposes, the
director of the office of rural development may employ personnel necessary for the efficient
and proper administration of this Chapter.
B. The office shall adopt rules and regulations governing the use of this fund and
shall adopt rules and regulations governing any program or funding action that it implements
prior to the initiation of the program or funding action. Specifically, rules and regulations
shall establish a formula for the distribution of funds. Such formula shall use as its basis all
relevant data including but not limited to the affected population, unemployment, and other
elements that may assist in the determination of the direct and indirect social and economic
benefit to the rural community and the relationship of the project or activity to the overall
rural revitalization plan for the state. All rules and regulations shall be adopted in
accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act with legislative review by the House and
Senate committees on agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, and rural development.
C. The office shall clearly delineate the projects that are to be implemented and the
functions that each project will fulfill. The office shall apply the following guidelines to any
project funded:
(1) All projects or activities funded shall be related to the revitalization of a
designated rural area, as defined in R.S. 3:313.
(2) All funds shall be used to mitigate the rapid deterioration of rural health,
education, transportation, public facilities, tourism, infrastructure, or other systems essential
to the socioeconomic well-being of the state's rural areas.
(3) All projects or activities should enhance and broaden rural employment
opportunities and community services.
(4) All projects or activities should further the provisions of the Louisiana Rural
Development Law.
Acts 2021, No. 331, §1.