§3246. Certification and licensing of agricultural consultants
A. No person shall be employed as an agricultural consultant unless that person has
the proper certification. Certification shall be issued only after the applicant has
satisfactorily passed an examination. Certification shall be valid for three years and shall be
renewed in accordance with rules adopted by the commissioner. The commissioner by rule
shall provide for the issuance of annual certification cards.
B. Applicants for certification as agricultural consultants shall elect to be examined
for certification in one or more of the following categories:
(1) Control of insects, mites, nematodes, or other invertebrates.
(2) Control of plant pathogens.
(3) Control of weeds.
(4) Soil management.
(5) Such other categories as the commissioner by rule may establish.
C. The commissioner by rule may establish such other categories as he deems
D. No new applications for an agricultural consultant's certificate shall be accepted
unless the applicant furnishes satisfactory evidence that he meets the following requirements:
(1) He holds a bachelor's, master's, or a doctor's degree from an accredited college
or university.
(2) He has earned at least thirty semester hours of college credit in agronomy, soil
science, weed science, entomology, plant pathology, horticulture, plant physiology, or other
biological science, or any combination of such.
(3) He has earned at least three hours of college credit in each discipline area for
which certification is sought. The four discipline areas requiring certification are
entomology, plant pathology, weed science, and soil science.
(4) He has, with a master's or doctor's degree, at least one crop season of experience,
and with a bachelor's degree, at least two crop seasons of experience, in the field for which
he requests certification, employed by a certified agricultural consultant.
E. All experience shall be documented in such manner as the commissioner may
require. The commissioner may waive the requirement of experience while employed by an
agricultural consultant for applicants with a master's or doctor's degree who demonstrate
other comparable experience.
F. Every field scout employed by a licensed agricultural consultant shall be registered
with the Department of Agriculture. This registration shall be valid only as long as the
individual is employed by the agricultural consultant indicated on the face of the registration
G. Agricultural consultants shall put all recommendations in writing with two copies
each. One copy shall be signed, dated, and furnished to the person for whom the
recommendation is being made. The consultant shall, for three years, retain one copy which
shall be furnished to the commissioner upon his request. When a pesticide use is
recommended, the recommendation shall include:
(1) The pesticide or pesticides recommended.
(2) The recommended rate of application.
(3) The date on which each application is recommended.
(4) The area to be treated.
(5) A brief statement of the reason or reasons for the recommendations.
(6) Such other information as the commissioner may require.
H. No person shall engage in business as an agricultural consultant for a fee unless
that person holds a license as an agricultural consultant. The commissioner by rule shall
provide for the requirements for an agricultural consultant's license. Each agricultural
consultant's license shall expire on December thirty-first of each year and may be renewed
in accordance with rules adopted by the commissioner.
I. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to employees of the state or federal
government conducting research or demonstrations in their official capacities.
Added by Acts 1982, No. 198, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Acts 1983, No. 347, §1; Acts
1988, No. 223, §1; Acts 1997, No. 57, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 1998; Acts 2012, No. 147, §1, eff. May
14, 2012; Acts 2017, No. 56, §1.