§3375. Disposition of fees
A.(1) Subject to the exceptions contained in Article VII, Section 9 of the
Constitution of Louisiana, all money received by the commission from fees or other
self-generated sources shall be deposited immediately upon receipt in the state treasury and
shall be credited to the Bond Security and Redemption Fund.
(2) After a sufficient amount is allocated from that fund to pay all obligations
secured by the full faith and credit of the state which become due and payable within any
fiscal year, the treasurer, prior to placing the remaining funds in the State General Fund, shall
pay an amount equal to the total amount of funds paid into the state treasury by the
commission into a special fund which is hereby created in the state treasury and designated
as the Structural Pest Control Commission Fund. The monies in the Structural Pest Control
Commission Fund shall be used solely for the programs and purposes of the commission and
only in the amounts appropriated each year by the legislature.
B. Out of the monies appropriated each year to the commission, the commission
shall allocate at least thirty thousand dollars to the Louisiana State University Agricultural
Experiment Station for research. The allocation shall be made at least biannually. The
commission shall appoint a committee composed of the commissioner or his designee, the
chancellor of the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center or his designee, the director
of the Louisiana State University Agricultural Experiment Station or his designee, the
president of the Louisiana Structural Pest Control Association, the executive director of the
Louisiana Pest Control Association, and three licensed pest control operators. This
committee shall make recommendations to the commission on what research is needed.
Committee members shall be appointed for terms concurrent with that of the commissioner.
The commission shall determine the areas in which the research shall be conducted and shall
review research progress at an annual meeting. At the end of each fiscal year, all unexpended
funds which were allocated under the provisions of this Section shall revert to the Structural
Pest Control Commission Fund.
Acts 1984, No. 800, §1, eff. July 13, 1984; Acts 1988, No. 148, §1; Acts 1991, No.
95, §1, eff. Jan. 13, 1992; Acts 1997, No. 1032, §1; Acts 2023, No. 335, §1.
{{NOTE: SEE ACTS 1988, No. 148, §§2, 3, & 4.}}
{{NOTE: SEE ACTS 1991, No. 95, §2.}}