§3388. Annual integrated pest management plan
A.(1) The governing authority of each school, including but not limited to
superintendents, headmasters, school boards, boards of directors, chief executive officers,
or principals, shall prepare and submit, for each school under its authority, an annual
integrated pest management plan that applies integrated pest management strategies of pest
prevention methods and strongly recommends the least toxic methods of control for grass
and weed control, and rodent and general pest control in, on, or around school structures and
(2) Each city, parish, or other local public school board shall submit a single,
comprehensive integrated pest management plan for all schools under its jurisdiction.
B. The annual integrated pest management plan shall include but shall not be limited
to the following:
(1) The school name, mailing address, physical address, telephone number, and
contact person.
(2) If a company or specific applicator enters into a contract to apply any herbicide,
rodenticide, insecticide, or restricted use pesticide, the name and number of the
owner/operator license or place of business permit and the certification number of the
commercial applicator or licensee.
(3) The name and certification number of the certified commercial applicator for the
school system.
(4) The brand name and EPA registration number of all pesticides to be used.
(5) The proposed location and dates for noncertified applicator training.
(6) A list of the following for each pesticide to be used:
(a) The pest to be controlled.
(b) The type of application to be used.
(c) The location of the application.
(d) Whether it is a restricted use pesticide or a general use pesticide.
C. The annual integrated pest management plan shall be submitted in writing to the
director of pesticide and environmental programs for the Department of Agriculture and
Forestry, on or before August first of each year and shall cover from August first of that year
through July thirty-first of the following year.
D. The annual integrated pest management plan shall, upon request, be available for
review by the commissioner and the general public in the business office of each school
during regular school hours.
E. Any deviation from the submitted annual integrated pest management plan shall
be delivered in writing to the director of pesticide and environmental programs no later than
twenty-four hours prior to any pesticide application.
F. The annual integrated pest management plan shall not take the place of the
recordkeeping requirements of R.S. 3:3243(G) and 3383.
G. Records of inspections, identification, monitoring, evaluations, and pesticide
applications shall be maintained by the schools and submitted with the annual integrated pest
management plan to the department annually on a form prescribed by the department.
Acts 1995, No. 237, §1; Acts 2015, No. 311, §1.