§3406. Powers and duties of the commissioner
A. The commissioner shall administer and enforce this Chapter in accordance with
the rules and regulations promulgated by the commission. In the administration and
enforcement of this Chapter, the commissioner and his duly constituted representatives are
specifically authorized to do the following:
(1) Enter the premises of any warehouse, cotton merchant, or cotton agent required
to be licensed under this Chapter, or those of any person purchasing grain from Louisiana
producers, at any reasonable time during normal working hours, for the purpose of making
any examination or any inspection of the premises and the contents thereof as may be
(2) Examine, copy, and audit the accounts, books, and records, including stock
records, position records, balance sheets, scale tickets, and warehouse receipts of any
warehouse, cotton merchant, or cotton agent required to be licensed under this Chapter, or
those of any person purchasing grain from Louisiana producers, including all warehouses or
grain dealers, or both, licensed under the United States Warehouse Act, as amended, and any
applicant for licensure under this Chapter, or as otherwise permitted under this Chapter.
(3) Weigh and ascertain, by grading, the quality of any agricultural product regulated
under this Chapter and certify such weight and grade.
B. The commissioner shall appoint and employ all personnel necessary for the
efficient and proper administration of this Chapter, except as provided in R.S. 3:3404(B).
Added by Acts 1982, No. 563, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 1983; Acts 1997, No. 1034, §1; Acts
2011, No. 138, §1, eff. June 24, 2011; Acts 2020, No. 151, §1.