§561. Definitions
As used in this Part, the following terms shall have the following meanings ascribed
to them:
(1) "Board" means the Louisiana Board of Animal Health.
(2) "Livestock" means cattle, buffalo, bison, oxen, and other bovine; horses, mules,
donkeys, and other equine; sheep; goats; swine; domestic rabbits; fish, turtles, and other
animals identified with aquaculture that are located in artificial reservoirs or enclosures that
are both on privately owned property and constructed so as to prevent, at all times, the
ingress and egress of fish life from public waters; imported exotic deer and antelope, elk,
farm-raised white-tailed deer, farm-raised ratites, and other farm-raised exotic animals;
chickens, turkeys, and other poultry; and animals placed under the jurisdiction of the
commissioner of agriculture and forestry and any hybrid, mixture, or mutation of any such
(3) "Livestock dealer" means any person, not a market agency, engaged in the
business of buying or selling livestock.
(4) "Market agency" means any persons, firm, or corporation engaged in the business
of buying or selling livestock in commerce on a commission basis, either at a public
stockyard or at a privately owned and operated sales pen or concentration point, or any
persons engaged in the furnishing of services for the conduct of such business, including but
not limited to livestock video auctions.
(5) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation, or association of such
persons acting as a unit.
(6) "Security device" means any lien, mortgage, pawn, pledge, privilege, or other
instrument by which an interest in livestock is used to secure the performance or payment
of any obligation.
Amended by Acts 1962, No. 95, §1; Acts 1983, No. 348, §1; Acts 1990, No. 58, §1;
Acts 2008, No. 920, §1, eff. July 14, 2008; Acts 2018, No. 429, §1.