§1602. Louisiana Archaeological Survey and Antiquities Commission
A. There is hereby created the Louisiana Archaeological Survey and Antiquities
Commission which shall be referred to as the "commission" for the purposes of this Chapter.
The purpose of the commission shall be to promote the goals and objectives of the
Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism and to act in an advisory capacity to that
department and its secretary in their administration of this Chapter and in matters relating to
antiquities, archaeology, and other cultural resources.
B.(1) The commission shall be composed of eleven members. The person designated
as state archaeologist and one representative each from the Department of Culture,
Recreation and Tourism; the Department of Energy and Natural Resources; and the
Governor's Commission on Indian Affairs shall be ex officio voting members of the
commission. The governor shall appoint seven members to the commission from a list of
two nominees submitted to him by the ex officio members for each appointment the governor
is to make, provided that at least one appointment shall be a member of the Louisiana
Archaeological Society.
(2) The nominees shall be lay or professional archaeologists from throughout the
state who possess such degree of training and experience as, in the opinion of the ex officio
members, makes them exceptionally responsive to the scientific, social, aesthetic, and
cultural needs of the public in the protection and preservation of the cultural resources of the
state. Appointed members shall be confirmed by the Senate and shall serve terms concurrent
with that of the governor making the appointment.
C. The seat of an appointed member which becomes vacant during the term of his
appointment shall be filled by the governor from a list of two nominees submitted to him by
the remaining members of the commission. The nominees shall possess the same
qualifications as the other appointed members. The seat of any appointed member who shall
miss three consecutive duly called meetings of the commission shall be deemed vacant and
the vacancy shall be filled in the above described manner.
D. The members of the commission may be paid a per diem of fifty dollars for each
day spent in attendance at meetings of the commission or on necessary business of the
commission assigned by the commission and shall be reimbursed for reasonable and
necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
E. The commission shall elect one of its members as chairman and shall provide for
its internal organization in a manner designed to best implement and accomplish its duties.
F. The commission shall meet at least four times a year to consider and vote on
matters which come before it. Special meetings shall be held on the call of the chairman or
on request of a majority of the members. Any six members of the commission shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of any and all business at any regular or special
meeting. In the absence of the chairman, the remaining members may appoint a temporary
chairman having all the powers of the absent chairman.
Acts 1989, No. 291, §1; Acts 2023, No. 150, §15, eff. Jan. 10, 2024.