§2607. Partners in Protecting Children Subcommittee
A. The legislature hereby finds all of the following:
(1) Child abuse is a community problem. No single agency has the training, manpower, resources, or legal mandate to intervene effectively in all child abuse cases. No one agency has the sole responsibility for dealing with abused children.
(2) Effective community intervention involves the formation of a child protection partnership that includes professionals who understand and appreciate the different roles, responsibilities, strengths, and weaknesses of the other members but cooperate and coordinate their efforts.
(3) The most effective approach to cases involving child abuse is interagency coordination and planning. All partners in protecting children must work together with a common concern for the welfare of the child and with a common goal to communicate with mutual respect.
(4) Effective teamwork includes having a mechanism for the partner agencies to discuss and, if possible, resolve any issues that arise.
(5) An ongoing discussion of problems that the partners in protecting children encounter during investigations will help resolve them and will also clarify the roles and responsibilities of the partner agencies.
B. The Partners in Protecting Children Subcommittee is established within the Children's Cabinet Advisory Board to provide a forum for public agencies whose duties include responding to and investigating matters involving child abuse or neglect. The subcommittee shall meet to consider policies and procedures for responding to and investigating alleged child abuse with the goal of efficient coordination of services and the chief objectives being to determine what problems arise and how to meet the needs of the child.
C.(1) The subcommittee shall be composed of the following members:
(a) A representative of the Louisiana State Police, appointed by the superintendent.
(b) A representative of the Louisiana Sheriffs' Association, appointed by the executive director.
(c) A representative of the Louisiana Association of Chiefs of Police, appointed by the president of the organization.
(d) A representative of the Louisiana District Attorneys Association, appointed by the executive director.
(e) A representative from the Louisiana Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges.
(f) The secretary of the Department of Children and Family Services, or his designee.
(2) The Children's Cabinet may appoint from time to time, to serve at its pleasure, additional members to serve on matters about which the additional members have expertise or experience.
(3) Members shall serve without compensation, except for per diem or reimbursement of expenses to which they may be entitled as members of their respective organizations.
D. A majority of the total membership shall constitute a quorum of the subcommittee, and any official action taken by the subcommittee shall require an affirmative vote of the majority of the quorum present and voting.
E. The subcommittee shall elect a chairman and any other officers deemed necessary from among the membership.
F. The subcommittee shall meet at least once per quarter upon the call of the executive director of the Children's Cabinet.
G. The subcommittee may include in its recommendations a request for legislation, as appropriate.
Acts 2023, No. 40, §1.