RS 17:197.1     

§197.1. Foods and beverages other than school breakfast or lunch in public elementary and secondary schools; legislative findings; restrictions

            A. The legislature finds that:

            (1) The rate of obesity in school children has significantly increased in recent years.

            (2) The United States Department of Agriculture relates childhood obesity in part to poor nutritional resources with little or no nutritional value available to children.

            (3) Providing healthier alternatives at school promotes healthier eating habits and reduces obesity and future health problems.

            B. Each public elementary or secondary school shall adhere to federal guidelines with respect to foods and beverages sold to students at schools or on the grounds other than food and beverages sold as part of a school food program operated pursuant to this Subpart. The provisions of this Subsection shall be applicable only during a period beginning one-half hour before the start of the school day and ending one-half hour after the end of the school day.

            C. Each public elementary or secondary school shall comply with all of the following:

            (1) Encourage and motivate children of all physical abilities to participate in physical activity for the purpose of allowing all children to reach their full potential as individuals.

            (2) Improve physical activity and fitness in schools by encouraging innovative physical education programs that consist of physical exertion of a moderate to vigorous intensity level.

            (3) Improve nutrition in children by making available during the day snacks with higher nutritional values.

            (4) Increase the awareness of children about the importance of physical activity and improved nutrition and the effects of both on improving health.

            (5) Encourage increased parental awareness of the positive impact on health and fitness of increasing the activity level of children and of improving nutrition.

            (6) Encourage daily physical activity and the development of lifelong patterns of physical activity.

            (7) Encourage the enjoyment of physical activity and the improvement of nutritional and eating habits.

            D. The Pennington Biomedical Research Center may develop and provide to interested persons, schools, or school systems publications relating to foods which can be sold on public elementary or secondary school grounds in compliance with the provisions of this Section. The Pennington Biomedical Research Center may provide assessments of the nutritional value of individual food items contemplated for sale on public school grounds.

            Acts 2005, No. 331, §1; Acts 2009, No. 306, §1, eff. July 1, 2009; Acts 2018, No. 330, §1.