RS 17:437.1     

§437.1. Suicide prevention; in-service training; materials and supplies; limitation on liability

            A. The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall develop and adopt guidelines for in-service training in suicide prevention as provided for in Subsection B of this Section. The board, in coordination with the Louisiana Department of Health, shall identify suitable programs for use in such training. The state Department of Education shall post on its website a listing of approved programs. The list shall include instructions on accessing such programs. The board shall update the list every five years.

            B. Repealed by Acts 2024, No. 686, §2, eff. June 19, 2024.

            C.(1) No person shall have a cause of action for any loss or damage caused by any act or omission resulting from the implementation of or good faith attempt to implement the provisions of this Section or resulting from any training or lack thereof required by this Section, unless such loss or damage was caused by willful or wanton misconduct.

            (2) Neither the training required by this Section nor the lack thereof shall be construed to impose any specific duty of care.

            D.(1) The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall randomly survey employees of public and approved nonpublic secondary schools to ascertain their compliance with the suicide prevention training requirements of this Section.

            (2) The governing authority of each such secondary school shall document and verify to the state Department of Education, by December thirty-first of each year, that all school employees have received the mandatory suicide prevention training as outlined in this Section.

            (3) The board shall annually develop a written report of the survey findings and any recommendations and shall submit such report to the Senate Committee on Education, the House Committee on Education, the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare, and the House Committee on Health and Welfare not later than March first of each year.

            E. This Section shall be known and may be cited as the "Jason Flatt Act".

            Acts 2008, No. 219, §1, eff. June 16, 2008; Acts 2017, No. 86, §1; Acts 2019, No. 93, §1; Acts 2024, No. 686, §2, eff. June 19, 2024.