RS 40:531     


§531. Appointment of commissioners to local housing authority

            A.(1) When the governing body of any municipality or parish, as the case may be, has determined, by resolution as set forth in R.S. 40:393, that it is expedient to establish a local housing authority, the chief elected official of the municipality or parish, or if no such official exists, then the governing body itself shall appoint five persons who shall constitute the governing body of the local housing authority and shall be called commissioners.

            (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, when the governing body of the parish of St. John the Baptist has determined, by resolution as set forth in R.S. 40:393, that it is expedient to establish a local housing authority, the governing body of that parish shall appoint five persons who shall constitute the governing body of the local housing authority and shall be called commissioners.

            (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, when the governing body of a parish with a population of not more than forty-six thousand five hundred persons and not less than forty-five thousand five hundred persons based on the latest federal decennial census has determined by resolution as set forth in R.S. 40:393 that it is expedient to establish a local housing authority, the chief elected official of the parish shall appoint five persons who shall constitute the governing body of the local housing authority and who shall be called commissioners.

            B.(1) In the city of New Orleans, the governing authority of the housing authority shall consist of nine commissioners, at least two of whom shall be tenants of the housing authority, referred to in this Chapter as "tenant commissioners", and one of whom shall be appointed as provided in Subparagraph (2)(b) of this Subsection, referred to in this Chapter as a "landlord commissioner".

            (2)(a) Six commissioners, excluding the landlord commissioner, shall be appointed by the mayor of the city of New Orleans. The two tenant commissioners shall be appointed by the president of the New Orleans city council from a list of names submitted by the Citywide Tenants Council, Inc., of the housing authority. The number of names submitted shall be three for each vacancy to be filled by a tenant commissioner.

            (b) The one landlord commissioner shall be appointed by the mayor from a list of three nominees submitted by the Landlords Advisory Committee. No person who has or who is seeking a business or financial relationship with the housing authority or who otherwise has a conflict pursuant to the Code of Governmental Ethics regarding service on the housing authority shall be eligible to be appointed as a landlord commissioner. The committee shall meet within sixty days after any mayoral election is concluded or any vacancy in the landlord commissioner position and shall nominate the list of landlord commissioners as provided in this Subsection upon a majority vote of the members of the committee present and voting. The committee shall give notice of the purpose, time, and place of such a meeting through the landlord portal on the official website of the housing authority or by publication in the official journal of the city of New Orleans at least seven days prior to the date set for the hearing.

            (c) Repealed by Acts 2019, No. 137, §2.

            C. In the parish of Jefferson, the governing authority of the housing authority shall consist of nine commissioners and, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, such commissioners shall be appointed as provided in this Subsection. Seven of the commissioners shall be appointed by the governing body of the parish. One of such commissioners shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of the parish. One of such commissioners shall be a tenant member of the Marrero Tenants Organization and shall be appointed by the governing authority of said organization.

            D. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the Houma-Terrebonne Housing Authority shall be governed by a five-member board of commissioners appointed by the parish president. He shall appoint at least one tenant from housing developments operated by the authority. The tenant commissioner shall serve in accordance with R.S. 40:536 and any other applicable provision of law.

            E.(1) The legislature hereby finds and declares that it is a matter of public policy and concern that a tenant of a local housing authority development or recipient of other assistance from such authority shall be a commissioner of the authority and serve in accordance with R.S. 40:536 and any other applicable provision of law.

            (2) The tenant commissioner shall recuse himself from participating in a matter which would be in violation of R.S. 42:1112.

            (3) The tenant commissioner or the commissioner who is a recipient of other assistance shall be chosen from a list of names submitted to the appointing authority by tenants of a local housing authority development. However, no tenant of a local housing authority shall become or remain a tenant commissioner if delinquent in rental or lease payments to the housing authority.

            F. The local housing authority may permit a per diem to each member of the commission of the local housing authority in an amount of not less than seventy-five dollars for each day of his attendance at meetings of the commission from funds of the local housing authority.

            Acts 1997, No. 1188, §1; Acts 2001, No. 80, §1, eff. May 24, 2001; Acts 2003, No. 923, §1; Acts 2008, No. 874, §1, eff. July 9, 2008; Acts 2009, No. 407, §1; Acts 2011, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 12, §1, eff. June 12, 2011; Acts 2013, No. 333, §1, eff. June 17, 2013; Acts 2014, No. 791, §14; Acts 2015, No. 419, §1; Acts 2019, No. 137, §§1, 2; Acts 2021, No. 302, §1; Acts 2024, No. 228, §1.