NGO Funding Request

The recipient entity's full legal name:  Catholic Charities of Acadiana, Inc.

The recipient entity's physical address:
           425 St. John Street
Lafayette, LA 70501

The recipient entity's mailing address (if different):
           PO Box 3177 Lafayette, LA 70502

Type of Entity (for instance, a nonprofit corporation):  Non-Profit Corporation

If the entity is a corporation, list the names of the incorporators:

The last four digits of the entity's taxpayer ID number:  7497

What is the dollar amount of the request?  $1,500,000

What type of request is this?  General Appropriation

Is this entity in good standing with the Secretary of State?  Yes

Provide the name of each member of the recipient entity's governing board and officers:
           Bishop Douglas Deshotels, President of Board of Directors
1408 Carmel Drive Lafayette, LA 70501

Msgr. Curtis Mallet, Vice President of the Board of Directors
1408 Carmel Drive Lafayette, LA 70501

Kimberly Boudreaux, Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Directors and CEO for Catholic Charities of Acadiana - PO Box 3177 Lafayette, LA 70502

Rob Tasman, Trustee of the Board of Directors and VP of the Advisory Council
4801 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy. Lafayette, LA 70506

Therese LeBlanc, Trustee of the Board of Directors and President of the Advisory Council.
2000 Kaliste Saloom Suite 300 Lafayette, LA 70506

Provide a summary of the project or program:
           Catholic Charities of Acadiana (CCA) represents the largest response to homelessness in the Acadiana region, made up of the following civil parishes: Acadia, Evangeline, Iberia, Lafayette, St. Landry, St. Mary, St. Martin, and Vermilion. On any given night, 3,059 people in Louisiana and 363 people in Acadiana experience homelessness (National Alliance to End Homelessness). Without adequate, permanent housing, people may experience concurrent health and social challenges such as an increased risk of premature death and lack of long-lasting attachments to neighborhoods (US Dept. Of Health and Human Services). Homelessness is linked to declines in physical and mental health, and many homeless persons we serve face co-occurring hardships like disabilities and medical vulnerabilities (Center for Disease Control).

During an annual period from February 2022 – March 2023, Catholic Charities of Acadiana provided emergency shelter to 288 unduplicated individuals. The average length of stay in our emergency shelter for clients who exited during this period was 61 days. During this period, 32% of individuals had a mental health condition, 18% had chronic health condition, 22% had a physical disability, 33% of them had co-occurring conditions, and 29% of them were over the age of 55.
Services within CCA’s St. Joseph Shelter include outreach, hygiene services, case management, housing stability planning, connection to mainstream benefits, transportation to and from important appointments (such as medical or mental health-related appointments), and meals, among other services.

The goal of St. Joseph Shelter is to rehouse people as quickly as possible to limit the long-lasting effects of homelessness, and in the meantime provide a safe place to sleep. During the same time frame mentioned above, 129 individuals were rehoused into a permanent housing solution. CCA’s emergency shelter programs are essential in our community, filling a gap for the homeless because of our low-barrier approach, additional services, and housing stabilization resources. Services to those facing homelessness ultimately benefit the citizens of our region by providing the needed supports to establish permanent housing so those without homes do not experience the negative effects of extended periods of homelessness.
CCA records data for anyone seeking services as part of the Acadiana Regional Coalition on Homelessness & Housing (Continuum of Care). Data is collected through various assessments beginning at intake. CCA follows the HUD Emergency Solutions Grant Program Manual for data collection at this shelter and case managers utilize case notes to track the progress of clients through the system.

CCA has implemented the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) through every level of our organization. Each team meets weekly to look at objective data measured in their program to ensure success. Meetings are used to analyze how the program’s collected data ensures progress toward previously established 5-year, 3-year, 1-year, and 90-day goals. Data points collected and evaluated for St. Joseph Shelter include: total number sheltered, meals provided to shelter clients, income at entry and exit, and exits to permanent housing. Monthly totals are compared with established goals, and adjustments are made as needed to ensure the achievement of goals.

What is the budget relative to the project for which funding is requested?:
          Salaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . $825,782
          Professional Services. . . $0
          Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . $0
          Acquisitions . . . . . . . . . $0
          Major Repairs . . . . . . . $0
          Operating Services. . . . $674,218
          Other Charges. . . . . . . $0

Does your organization have any outstanding audit issues or findings?  No

If 'Yes' is your organization working with the appropriate governmental agencies to resolve those issues or findings?

What is the entity's public purpose, sought to be achieved through the use of state monies?
          CCA's public purpose to be achieved through the use of these monies is to provide emergency shelter and supportive services to individuals experiencing homelessness within the Acadiana Region (Acadia, Evangeline,Iberia, Lafayette, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Mary, Vermilion. The purpose is to ultimately rehouse individuals who are currently homeless through housing stability planning and housing search with following up case management when needed to ensure successful housing placement.

What are the goals and objectives for achieving such purpose?
          The goal of St. Joseph Shelter is to rehouse people as quickly as possible to limit the long-lasting effects of homelessness, and in the meantime provide a safe place to sleep. During the same time frame mentioned above,129 individuals were rehoused into a permanent housing solution. CCA’s emergency shelter programs are essential in our community, filling a gap for the homeless because of our low-barrier approach, additional services, and housing stabilization resources. Services to those facing homelessness ultimately benefit the citizens of our region by providing the needed supports to establish permanent housing so those without homes do not experience the negative effects of extended periods of homelessness.

What is the proposed length of time estimated by the entity to accomplish the purpose?
           1 year

If any elected or appointed state official or an immediate family member of such an official is an officer, director, trustee, or employee of the recipient entity who receives compensation or holds any ownership interest therein:
     (a) If an elected or appointed state official, the name and address of the official and the office held by such person:
     (b) If an immediate family member of an elected or appointed state official, the name and address of such person; the name, address, and office of the official to whom the person is related; and the nature of the relationship:

     (c) The percentage of the official's or immediate family member's ownership interest in the recipient entity, if any:

     (d) The position, if any, held by the official or immediate family member in the recipient entity:

If the recipient entity has a contract with any elected or appointed state official or an immediate family member of such an official or with the state or any political subdivision of the state:
(a) If the contract is with an elected or appointed state official, provide the name and address of the official and the office held by such person: 

(b) If the contract is with an immediate family member of an elected or appointed state official:
          Provide the name and address of such person:

          Provide the name, address, and office of the official to whom the person is related:

          What is the nature of the relationship?  N/A

(c) If the contract is with the state or a political subdivision of the state, provide the name and address of the state entity or political subdivision of the state:

(d) The nature of the contract, including a description of the goods or services provided or to be provided pursuant to the contract:

Contact Information
name:  Kimberly Boudreaux 
                                       address:  PO Box 3177 Lafayette, LA 70502
                                       phone:  3372354972
                                       relationship to entity:  CEO