NGO Funding Request

The recipient entity's full legal name:  Bossier Council on Aging

The recipient entity's physical address:
           706 Bearkat Dr
Bossier City, LA 71111

The recipient entity's mailing address (if different):
           706 Bearkat Dr
Bossier City, LA 71111

Type of Entity (for instance, a nonprofit corporation):  Non-Profit Corporation

If the entity is a corporation, list the names of the incorporators:

The last four digits of the entity's taxpayer ID number:  2231

What is the dollar amount of the request?  $2,000,000

What type of request is this?  Capital Outlay Appropriation

Is this entity in good standing with the Secretary of State?  Yes

Provide the name of each member of the recipient entity's governing board and officers:
           Ronnie Wilson-Board
126 Lakewod Point Drive
Bossier City, LA 71111

Jay Lyons-Board Secretary
3206 Heatherbrook Dr
Haughton, LA 71037

Don Flint-Board
2940 Le Oaks Dr #1607
Bossier City, LA 71111

Jessica Hall-Board
9493 Hwy 3
Plain Dealing, LA 71064

Cheryl Stephens-Board
100 Rolling Meadow Ln
Bossier City, LA 71112

Debbie Koch-Board Treasurer
316 Oakland Pl
Bossier City, LA 71112

Kay Etter-Board
731 Dumaine Dr
Bossier City, LA 71111

Linda Brangham-Board
1121 Wafer Rd
Haughton, LA 71037

Stacy Tinsley-Board
414 Preston Blvd #126
Bossier City, LA 71111

Lori Carruthers-Board
223 Morgan Court
Benton, LA 71006

Debra C Pickett-Board President
704 Bianca St
Haughton, LA 71037

Debra Ross-Board
1200 Fullilove Dr
Bossier City, LA 71112

Christopher T Baker-Board
216 Old Palmetto Rd
Benton, LA 71006

Laura Gauthier-Board Vice President
107 S Parkridge Dr
Benton, LA 71006

Tamara Crane-Executive Director
706 Bearkat Dr
Bossier City, LA 71111

Provide a summary of the project or program:
           The purpose of a funding request to build a senior center in Bossier parish is to secure financial support to create a dedicated facility that serves the needs and enhances the well-being of the senior population within Bossier parish. Senior centers are essential community resources that offer a wide range of programs, services, and activities designed to address the unique requirements of older adults. The primary purposes of such funding requests are as follows:

1. **Enhancing Senior Well-being:** Senior centers are designed to improve the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of senior citizens. These facilities provide a safe and welcoming environment where older adults can participate in various activities that promote their health and happiness.

2. **Social Engagement:** Senior centers offer opportunities for social interaction and engagement. Loneliness and isolation can be significant challenges for seniors, and these centers provide a place for them to connect with peers, share experiences, and build a sense of belonging.

3. **Lifelong Learning:** Senior centers often offer educational and recreational programs that help seniors continue learning and staying mentally active. These activities can include classes, workshops, and cultural events.

4. **Health and Wellness:** Many senior centers provide fitness programs, health screenings, and access to health-related resources. These services contribute to the physical well-being of older adults and can help prevent or manage health issues.

5. **Support Services:** Some senior centers offer support services such as counseling, legal assistance, transportation, and access to resources for aging in place. These services help seniors maintain their independence and quality of life.

6. **Community Building:** Senior centers are often hubs for community activities and events that bring generations together. They foster community cohesion and enrich the lives of residents of all ages.

7. **Economic Impact:** The construction and operation of a senior center can create local jobs and stimulate economic activity in the area, benefiting the community and the local economy.

8. **Long-term Sustainability:** Senior centers are designed to be self-sustaining, with funding coming from various sources, including membership fees, donations, program fees, and grants. This ensures the long-term viability of the facility.

9. **Government and Community Commitment:** By investing in a senior center, local governments and communities demonstrate their commitment to caring for and supporting their senior citizens, who have contributed to the community's growth and well-being over the years.

In summary, the primary purpose of a funding request to build a senior center in Bossier City to act as the hub for Bossier parish area agency on aging/council on aging. This will create a space that promotes the health, happiness, and social engagement of older adults while enriching the entire community. These centers play a vital role in addressing the unique needs of seniors and ensuring that they can age with dignity and quality of life.

What is the budget relative to the project for which funding is requested?:
          Salaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . $0
          Professional Services. . . $0
          Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . $0
          Acquisitions . . . . . . . . . $0
          Major Repairs . . . . . . . $0
          Operating Services. . . . $0
          Other Charges. . . . . . . $0

Does your organization have any outstanding audit issues or findings?  No

If 'Yes' is your organization working with the appropriate governmental agencies to resolve those issues or findings?
          Not Applicable

What is the entity's public purpose, sought to be achieved through the use of state monies?
          The primary public purpose to be achieved by building a senior center in Bossier City, Bossier parish include:

1. **Enhancing Quality of Life for Seniors:** Our senior center provides a dedicated and welcoming environment where older adults can participate in activities and services that enhance their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By promoting active and engaged lifestyles, senior centers contribute to an improved overall quality of life for senior citizens.

2. **Reducing Social Isolation:** Loneliness and social isolation are common challenges for older adults, this was increased due to COVID-19. Our senior center offers opportunities for social interaction, fostering connections with peers and combating the negative effects of isolation. This, in turn, contributes to mental health and a sense of belonging within the community.

3. **Supporting Aging in Place:** Our senior center provides services and resources that help seniors age in place, allowing them to remain in their homes and communities for as long as possible. This helps maintain independence and reduce the need for more intensive and costly healthcare services.

4. **Promoting Lifelong Learning:** Our senior center frequently offers educational programs, workshops, and cultural activities, enabling seniors to continue learning and staying mentally active. This contributes to cognitive health and personal growth.

5. **Improving Physical Health and Wellness:** Our senior center provides fitness classes, wellness programs, and health screenings, promoting physical health and well-being. These services can help seniors maintain their mobility, reduce the risk of chronic conditions, and improve their overall health.

6. **Community Building:** Our senior center often serves as community hubs, hosting intergenerational events and activities that bring different age groups together. This fosters community cohesion, mutual understanding, and the sharing of experiences.

7. **Economic Benefits:** The construction and operation of a senior center can stimulate local economic activity by creating jobs, attracting visitors to the area, and supporting local businesses. This can have a positive economic impact on the community.

8. **Addressing Elderly Care Needs:** As the senior population grows, the need for senior care services increases. Our senior center helps to meet this need by offering a range of support services, including counseling, legal assistance, transportation, and access to resources. This reduces the burden on families and caregivers.

9. **Fostering Inclusivity and Accessibility:** Our senior center prioritizes inclusivity and accessibility, ensuring that seniors of various backgrounds and abilities can participate in activities and services. This promotes a more inclusive and accessible community.

10. **Demonstrating Community and Government Commitment:** By building and supporting senior centers, local governments and communities demonstrate their commitment to valuing and caring for their aging population. This showcases a collective dedication to the well-being and dignity of older residents.

In summary, the public purpose to be achieved by building a senior center in Bossier City, Bossier parish is to create a community resource that improves the lives of senior citizens, fosters social engagement, and enhances the overall well-being of the community. These centers contribute to a healthier, more connected, and more inclusive community, demonstrating the commitment of local entities to the well-being of their older residents.

What are the goals and objectives for achieving such purpose?
          To achieve the purpose of building a senior center and promote the public benefits mentioned earlier, it's essential to establish clear and specific goals and objectives. Here are some potential goals and objectives for building a senior center:

**Goal:** Enhance the quality of life and well-being of senior citizens within Bossier City, Bossier parish.


1. **Provide Comprehensive Services:** Develop a senior center that offers a wide range of services, including health and wellness programs, social activities, educational opportunities, and access to support services.

2. **Reduce Social Isolation:** Create an environment that fosters social interaction among seniors through organized activities, events, and opportunities for socialization.

3. **Support Aging in Place:** Offer resources and programs that enable seniors to remain in their homes and communities for as long as possible by addressing their changing needs.

4. **Promote Lifelong Learning:** Offer educational programs and workshops that stimulate intellectual engagement and personal development for older adults.

5. **Improve Physical Health:** Provide fitness classes and wellness initiatives that contribute to the physical health and well-being of seniors.

6. **Strengthen Community Bonds:** Act as a community hub where intergenerational events and activities encourage interaction and understanding between different age groups.

7. **Boost Local Economy:** Contribute to the local economy by creating jobs and attracting visitors to the area, thereby supporting local businesses.

8. **Address Elderly Care Needs:** Offer support services, such as counseling, legal assistance, transportation, and access to resources, to assist seniors and alleviate the burden on caregivers.

9. **Ensure Inclusivity and Accessibility:** Design the senior center with a focus on inclusivity, making it accessible to individuals from various backgrounds and abilities.

10. **Demonstrate Commitment:** Showcase the commitment of local governments and the community to the well-being, dignity, and value of older residents through the establishment and support of the senior center.

These goals and objectives provide a clear framework for planning, implementing, and measuring the success of the senior center project. They are designed to ensure that the center effectively meets the needs of the senior population and the broader community while promoting the well-being of seniors and their continued active participation in community life.

What is the proposed length of time estimated by the entity to accomplish the purpose?
           2 years

If any elected or appointed state official or an immediate family member of such an official is an officer, director, trustee, or employee of the recipient entity who receives compensation or holds any ownership interest therein:
     (a) If an elected or appointed state official, the name and address of the official and the office held by such person:
     (b) If an immediate family member of an elected or appointed state official, the name and address of such person; the name, address, and office of the official to whom the person is related; and the nature of the relationship:

     (c) The percentage of the official's or immediate family member's ownership interest in the recipient entity, if any:

     (d) The position, if any, held by the official or immediate family member in the recipient entity:

If the recipient entity has a contract with any elected or appointed state official or an immediate family member of such an official or with the state or any political subdivision of the state:
(a) If the contract is with an elected or appointed state official, provide the name and address of the official and the office held by such person: 

(b) If the contract is with an immediate family member of an elected or appointed state official:
          Provide the name and address of such person:

          Provide the name, address, and office of the official to whom the person is related:

          What is the nature of the relationship?  none

(c) If the contract is with the state or a political subdivision of the state, provide the name and address of the state entity or political subdivision of the state:
                 City of Bossier City
620 Benton Rd
Bossier City, LA 71111

(d) The nature of the contract, including a description of the goods or services provided or to be provided pursuant to the contract:
               Ordinance No. 94 Of 2023

WHEREAS, the City of Bossier City is committed to providing services to ensure quality
of life to its senior residents; and
WHEREAS, the City of Bossier City currently owns a facility/building managed by the
Council on Aging to provide the senior residents of Bossier City to gather for various fellowship
activities; and
WHERAS, said existing facility is currently in a dilapidated condition;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of Bossier City,
Louisiana, in regular session convened that four million dollars ($4,000,000.00) is hereby
appropriated from the 2018 LCDA Bond Fund in order to either construct a senior center or to
purchase and renovate an existing structure to be used as a Senior Center for the purposed
described above.
The above and foregoing Ordinance was discussed and opened for public input at open
and legal session convened, was on motion of Mr. Jeffery Darby and seconded by Mr. Chris
Smith and adopted on this the 29th day of August, 2023. Further this Ordinance will publish on
September 6, 2023 and will not become legal until 10 days following publication.
AYES: Mr. Smith, Mr. Darby, Mr. Williams, Mr. Free and Mr. Maggio
NAYS: Mr. Hammons
ABSENT: Mr. Montgomery, Jr.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Jeff Free, President Phyllis McGraw, City Clerk

Contact Information
                                       address:  706 Bearkat Dr
Bossier City, LA 71111

                                       phone:  3187418302
                                       fax:  3187417490
                                       relationship to entity:  Executive Director