Senate Daily Digest
April 8, 2014
3:00 p.m.
Senate Chamber


PDF Daily Digest

  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.


Senate Bills on Second Reading Subject to Call
 SB632RISERTAX/TAXATION - Authorizes the secretary of the Department of Revenue to establish a Solar Credit Secured Refund Pilot Program to allow taxpayers who are eligible to receive a solar credit refund to authorize their refunds to be paid directly to a properly secured third party lender. (gov sig)

Senate Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SR42CROWECOMMENDATIONS - Commends the Republic of China, known as Taiwan, for economic relations with Louisiana.
 SR44CORTEZCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Randy K. Haynie on being honored at the UL Lafayette 18th Annual Spring Gala for his outstanding contributions to the university and to the Lafayette community.
 SR45BROOMESENATE - Recognizes Tuesday, April 8, 2014, as March of Dimes Day at the Louisiana State Capitol.
 SR46BROOMECOMMENDATIONS - Commends Alyssa Carson on her academic and other notable achievements.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SCR60CLAITORAMUSEMENTS/SPORTS - Commends Clement Mubungirwa on his amazing accomplishments, recognizes his achievements, and requests the LHSAA to grant a hardship or waive its age eligibility requirements to allow him to participate in LHSAA sports in his senior year.
 SCR61CLAITORCONDOLENCES - Expresses condolences upon the death of Dale Ketelson, former LSU and high school wresting coach.
 SCR62FRED MILLSMEDICAID - Requests the Department of Health and Hospitals to seek a Medicaid state plan amendment from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to include as a Medicaid service the Tdap vaccine to pregnant women and to provide a cost analysis to the legislature for providing this Medicaid service.
 SCR63BROOMETRANSPORTATION/DEV DEPT - Requests DOTD to take action to provide greater safety to the motoring public at the intersection of Thomas Road and Scenic Highway and the I-10 west entry ramp at Exit 157B on Acadian Thruway, both in East Baton Rouge Parish.
 SCR64PERRYLEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS - Designates the city of Scott as the Cajun Art Capital of Louisiana.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading Subject to Call
 SCR8CLAITORHEALTH CARE - Expresses the sense of the Louisiana Legislature on the need for colorectal cancer screening examinations.
 SCR9CLAITORCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Claney Duplechin, coach of the Episcopal High School Knights boys varsity cross country team, on being selected as a 2013 National Coach of the Year by the National Federation of State High School Associations.
 SCR59DONAHUECOMMENDATIONS - Commends Amanda Warren on being awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.

House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred
 HB6PEARSONRETIREMENT/TEACHERS - Establishes a minimum employer contribution rate for the Optional Retirement Plan in the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana (EN INCREASE FC SG LF EX)
 HB24PEARSONRETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL POL - Provides relative to amortization schedules for credits and liabilities of the Municipal Police Employees' Retirement System (EN +$2,920,733 FC LF EX)
 HB46H.BURNSJUDGMENTS - Requires judges to sign and print their names on all judgments (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB65MONTOUCETRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Authorizes the board of trustees of the Firefighters' Retirement System to adopt group trust provisions pursuant to Internal Revenue Service rulings (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB76MONTOUCETRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides relative to the removal of a former spouse as a designated beneficiary of an active member of the Firefighters' Retirement System (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB77MONTOUCETRETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS - Provides for conversion of leave to service credit in the Firefighters' Retirement System (EN INCREASE APV)
 HB119HOFFMANNANIMALS/LIVESTOCK AT LG - Revises a certain highway intersection designation in the statutory list of public highways prohibiting livestock at large
 HB154LEGERCOURTS - Provides for a statewide increase in court costs in city, parish, district, appellate, and supreme courts (EN +$648,000 SG RV See Note)
 HB177CHAMPAGNEPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Requires reporting certain information on contracts awarded without competitive bid or negotiation (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB315BISHOPUNEMPLOYMENT COMP - Repeals provisions relative to shared-work plans (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB339LEGERPARISH/ORLEANS - Provides relative to the powers granted to the governing authority of the city of New Orleans to remove weeds and other deleterious growths
 HB371BADONDISTRICTS/NEIGHBORHOOD - Provides relative to the parcel fee levied within the Kingswood Subdivision Improvement District in Orleans Parish
 HB395A.WILLIAMSCOURTS - Provides relative to penalties for contempt of court (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB401BARRASLEGISLATION - Provides for technical corrections to various provisions of the Constitution Ancillaries, the La. Revised Statutes, the Code of Civil Procedure, and the Code of Criminal Procedure
 HB436FANNINREVENUE DEPARTMENT - Provides for the payment methods for refunds of overpayments of individual income tax (EN +$21,000 SG EX See Note)
 HB439GREENEAUDITS/AUDITING - Provides with respect to misappropriation of public funds and restitution and recovery related thereto
 HB460ARNOLDALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides relative to mailing of official correspondence by the office of alcohol and tobacco control (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 HB496ARNOLDALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMT - Provides relative to wine and malt beverage permits
 HB514CAMERON HENRYCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Restricts the sale of dextromethorphan (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB527PEARSONCOURTS - Relative to Family Court in the 22nd Judicial District Court (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 HB534SHADOINCLERKS OF COURT - Provides relative to requirements for clerks of court
 HB610ABRAMSONRADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGISTS - Provides relative to licensed radiologic technologists
 HB728JACKSON-ANDREWSPUBLIC LANDS/SCHOOLS - Provides for the transfer of certain sixteenth section land in Ouachita Parish
 HB747MORENOCRIME/BATTERY - Provides relative to domestic abuse battery and other offenses involving domestic abuse (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB750MORENOFAMILY VIOLENCE - Provides relative to restraining orders, protective orders, and injunctions issued in conjunction with domestic abuse cases
 HB753MORENOFAMILY VIOLENCE - Provides relative to the possession of firearms as it relates to persons convicted of domestic abuse battery or subject to a protective order (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB820HUVALINSURANCE/FIRE-CASUALTY - Clarifies that the valued policy clause provisions apply to all policies providing fire coverage
 HB874BISHOPLEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT - Requires annual and quarterly reports to the legislature regarding litigation instituted by a state agency
 HB944FANNINCURRICULA - Provides relative to the high school career option program (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB975W.BISHOPSCHOOLS - Provides relative to the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts (NOCCA)
 HB1016PIERRESCHOOLS/HIGH SCHOOL - Provides for State Seal of Biliteracy to recognize high school graduates who meet certain academic eligibility criteria relative to language proficiency (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB1072MONTOUCETWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides for reduced hunting and fishing license fees for certain retired members of the U.S. Armed Forces (EN DECREASE SD RV See Note)
 HB1074WHITNEYPHYSICIANS - Provides for a limited exemption to state licensure requirements for visiting physicians (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB1075CONNICKENVIRONMENT/LITTERING - Defines cigarettes, cigarette butts, cigarillos, cigar or cigarillo tips as litter and provides for littering penalties (EN INCREASE RV See Note)
 HB1077LEBASCRIME/BATTERY - Provides with respect to criminal offenses relative to certain medical personnel and emergency services personnel (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)

House Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 HCR26H.BURNSPUBLIC HEALTH - Urges and requests the Louisiana State Law Institute to study and make recommendations concerning gun ownership rights of persons who have attempted suicide
 HCR64BURRELLCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Dr. Andrew Chesson, Jr., dean of the School of Medicine at LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport, upon his retirement
 HCR65SEABAUGHCOMMENDATIONS - Commends the Louisiana Tech Bulldogs men's basketball team for its outstanding season
 HCR66ST.GERMAINSPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH - Recognizes Tuesday, April 8, 2014, as Equal Pay Day in Louisiana

Senate Bills Reported by Committee
 SB54BROOMECHILDREN - Provides for an early intervention program in East Baton Rouge Parish. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB106WALSWORTHWORKFORCE COMMISSION - Reauthorizes the Incumbent Worker Training Program. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB155NEVERSWORKFORCE COMMISSION - Provides relative to apprenticeship. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB183FRED MILLSLOCAL AGENCIES - Requires additional notice to property owners directly affected by a public works project of meetings by a parish, a municipality, the state or a political subdivision of the state. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB198RISERWORKERS' COMPENSATION - Ensures compliance with requirements for mandatory workers' compensation coverage. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB207J.SMITHWORKFORCE COMMISSION - Provides relative to the Incumbent Worker Training Program. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB478CLAITORCOURTS - Authorizes the levy of a warrant recall fee in all courts in East Baton Rouge Parish to fund a misdemeanor jail. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 SB500HEITMEIERROADS/HIGHWAYS - Provides for refund of certain collections in the amnesty program for the Crescent City Connection Bridge. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE SD EX See Note)
 SB564FRED MILLSMUNICIPALITIES - Provides for position of deputy chief of police for the city of St. Martinville. (gov sig)
 SB572MURRAYSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Provides relative to the Lakeview Crime Prevention District. (gov sig)
 SB587PETERSONSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Provides relative to the Mid-City Security District. (gov sig)
 SB588PETERSONHOUSING - Provides relative to the Louisiana Housing Corporation. (8/1/14)
 SB617J.AMEDEELOCAL AGENCIES - Provides relative to the creation of Ascension Parish Road Infrastructure Development Districts. (gov sig)

House Bills Reported by Committee
 HB433STEVE CARTERHIGHER ED/BD REGENTS - Authorizes the Board of Regents to enter into interstate reciprocity agreements relative to online instruction (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB784WILLMOTTCULTURE/REC/TOUR - Removes provisions relative to the exhibit of a specific ship by the Kenner Naval Museum

Senate Concurrent Resolutions to be Adopted Subject to Call
 SCR48LONGHEALTH CARE - Provides for legislative approval of and support to the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University for the strategic collaboration with the state in creating a new model of health care delivery in the Alexandria and Pineville area.

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call
 SB70CLAITORCURRICULA - Repeals the Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act. (8/1/14)
 SB72BODI WHITECHILDREN'S CODE - Removes the requirement that certain petitions be verified. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB76MORRISHPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Creates the Cameron Parish Port, Harbor, and Terminal District. (1/1/15)
 SB90DORSEY-COLOMBSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Provides for the creation of the "Neighborhood Watch Act". (gov sig)
 SB130MORRELLVIDEO POKER - Provides relative to fuel sale requirements at qualified truck stops. (8/1/14)
 SB301MARTINYFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Provides relative to financial institutions and production of documents. (8/1/14) (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB315DONAHUEPROCUREMENT CODE - Provides relative to group purchasing and cooperative purchasing provisions of certain public postsecondary education institutions. (7/1/14). (EN DECREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB354BODI WHITESCHOOLS - Constitutional Amendment to provide that any public school system created by the legislature shall have the authority granted parish school boards. (2/3 - CA13s1(A))
 SB368MORRELLLOCAL AGENCIES - Provides relative to the New Orleans Regional Business Park. (8/15/14)
 SB385ERIC LAFLEURSCHOOLS - Provides for empowered community schools. (7/1/14)
 SB434ERIC LAFLEURCLERKS OF COURT - Provides for automobile expense allowance for certain clerks of court. (8/1/14)
 SB499HEITMEIERHEALTH SERVICES - Provides for authorized procedures provided by direct service workers. (gov sig)
 SB505HEITMEIERPHYSICIANS - Provides for an automatic suspension of a physician's license. (gov sig)
 SB512HEITMEIERPUBLIC HEALTH - Provides for chain restaurant menu labeling. (1/1/15)
 SB518MARTINYCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to indemnification of motor carrier transportation contracts and construction contracts. (8/1/14)
 SB549GALLOTLOCAL EMPLOYEES - Provides relative to firefighters including minimum wages and the reinstatement, reemployment, and seniority of firefighters who retire due to injury. (8/1/14)
 SB575MARTINYAPPRAISERS - Provides relative to the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board. (gov sig)

House Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage
 HB18LOPINTOPUBLIC SFTY/CORRECT DEPT - Repeals the statutory authorization for DPS&C to conduct certain pilot programs involving alternative methods of incarceration and electronic monitoring (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB56LOPINTOSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Public Safety and Corrections
 HB131LOPINTOLAW ENFORCE/OFFICERS - Authorizes payment of witness fees to retired law enforcement officers or former law enforcement officers in certain cases (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB188LOPINTOCORRECTIONS - Repeals antiquated and obsolete statutes related to prisons and correctional institutions
 HB331LOPINTODWI - Authorizes licensed practical nurses to administer chemical tests for intoxication