House Order of the Day
April 15, 2014
2:00 p.m.
House Chamber


PDF Order of the Day
House Committee Grid
  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.



1. Roll Call

2. Prayer

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Reading of Journal

5. Petitions, Memorials, and Communications

6. Introduction of Resolutions

7. Introduction of Bills

8. Senate Bills on First Reading

9. Reports of Committees

10. House and House Concurrent Resolutions Lying Over
 HCR81PEARSONCHILDREN/NEWBORNS - Directs the Dept. of Health and Hospitals to submit a report to the House and Senate committees on health and welfare evaluating the health benefits and healthcare costs of adding adrenoleukodystrophy to the mandatory screenings to be performed on a newborn child
 HCR83JACKSON-ANDREWSCONGRESS - Memorializes congress relative to the reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act separating commercial and investment banking functions

11. Senate Concurrent Resolutions Lying Over
 SCR53FRED MILLSHEALTH/HOSPITALS DEPT - Requests the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners to place on its official website a link to information regarding end of life care in the state of Louisiana.

12. House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred to Committee
 HB233PUGHSTATE AGENCIES - Prohibits preferences in the provision of state services and other benefits based on the location of a citizen's residence (OR NO IMPACT See Note)

13. Senate Bills on Second Reading to be Referred to Committee
 SB54BROOMECHILDREN - Provides for an early intervention program in East Baton Rouge Parish. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 SB155NEVERSWORKFORCE COMMISSION - Provides relative to apprenticeship. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB198RISERWORKERS' COMPENSATION - Ensures compliance with requirements for mandatory workers' compensation coverage. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB572MURRAYSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Provides relative to the Lakeview Crime Prevention District. (gov sig)
 SB587PETERSONSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Provides relative to the Mid-City Security District. (gov sig)
 SB617J.AMEDEELOCAL AGENCIES - Provides relative to the creation of Ascension Parish Road Infrastructure Development Districts. (gov sig)

14. House and House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee
 HR44THIERRYCOMMENDATIONS - Recognizes the town of Grand Coteau, Louisiana, as the Sweet Dough Pie Capital of the state
 HR71NORTONHIGHWAYS - Requests DOTD to study the adoption of special signage to designate streets and highways in honor of military personnel
 HCR10CONNICKCOASTAL RESOURCES - Approves the 2014-2015 annual plan for integrated coastal protection and restoration
 HCR42GUINNLEGISLATIVE POWERS - Designates the community of Thornwell, Louisiana, as the Yellow Rail Capital of the World
 HCR51HODGESTRANSPORTATION - Creates a task force to study and make recommendations on actions necessary to complete the construction of the Comite River Diversion Project

16. House Bills on Second Reading Reported by Committee
 HB5PEARSONRETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL EMP - Provides relative to the composition of the board of trustees of the Municipal Employees' Retirement System (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB23PEARSONRETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL EMP - Provides relative to expenses and funds of the Municipal Employees' Retirement System (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB27ARNOLDRETIREMENT/LOCAL - Provides relative to the Deferred Retirement Option Plan in the Firefighters' Pension and Relief Fund in the city of New Orleans (EN INCREASE APV)
 HB38PEARSONRETIREMENT/STATE SYSTEMS - Provides relative to retirement eligibility for certain members of state retirement systems (EN DECREASE APV)
 HB39PEARSONRETIREMENT/ASSESSORS - Provides relative to the Back-Deferred Retirement Option Plan (Back-DROP) in the Louisiana Assessors' Retirement Fund (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB45SEABAUGHRETIREMENT/STATE SYSTEMS - Provides relative to membership in state retirement systems for certain new hires (EG DECREASE APV)
 HB47H.BURNSINSURANCE/GROUP-SHERIFFS - Provides relative to the Bossier Parish Retired Employees Insurance Fund (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB61POPEINSURANCE/GROUP-SHERIFFS - Provides relative to the Livingston Parish Retired Employees' Insurance Fund (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB70GREENELAW ENFORCE/CRIM JUS COM - Requires the Crime Victims Reparation Board to submit its report electronically
 HB87DANAHAYRETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL EMP - Provides for shared employment between the Vinton Public Power Authority and another employer in the Municipal Employees' Retirement System and provides guidelines and restrictions relative to creditable service for such employment (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB96J.EDWARDSJUDGES - (Constitutional amendment) Removes the mandatory retirement age of judges (EN DECREASE FC SG EX)
 HB149CHAMPAGNEATTORNEY GENERAL - Requires quarterly reporting on all contracts with the attorney general
 HB208HOFFMANNCRIME - Provides relative to alternative nicotine products (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
 HB237SHERMAN MACKCOURTS/MAGISTRATES - Removes the mandatory retirement age for constables
 HB387HUVALINSURANCE/GROUP-PUBLIC - Provides relative to the payment of health insurance premiums for district attorneys (EG NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 HB438GREENELAW ENFORCE/OFFICERS - Provides for special railroad law enforcement officers
 HB457PIERREDISTRICTS/REDEVELOPMENT - Provides relative to the boundaries and governance of the North Lafayette Redevelopment Authority
 HB495B.ADAMSFIRE PROTECT/FIRE MARSHAL - Provides relative to the authority to investigate and make arrests for certain crimes
 HB503CARMODYSTATE SYMBOL - Provides for the official state book
 HB539STOKESSEIZURES/SALES - Provides relative to time delays and methods of timely submission of notices of repossession (EN NO IMPACT LF RV See Note)
 HB553HAVARDCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides an increase in court costs relative to judicial commitment procedures (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB568ST.GERMAINFIRE PROTECT/FIREMEN - Provides relative to financial security benefits for surviving spouses and children of fire operation personnel
 HB575ARNOLDDISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Provides with respect to the duration of taxes levied for the Orleans Parish Juvenile Services Financing District (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB584PUGHPUBLIC BUILDINGS/GROUNDS - Provides relative to the naming of the Tangipahoa Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau building
 HB637CONNICKSEX OFFENSE/REGISTRY - Provides relative to the use of monies appropriated to the Sex Offender Registry Technology Fund (EN -$100,000 LF RV See Note)
 HB768PRICEMUNICIPAL/INCORPORATION - Provides relative to incorporation petitions
 HB770PRICEMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to the Used Motor Vehicle Commission
 HB772ROBIDEAUXSHERIFFS - Provides relative to the payment of group insurance premiums for retired sheriffs and employees hired on or after July 1, 2014, for Lafayette Parish (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB787ARNOLDOFFICIAL JOURNALS - Provides relative to the qualification of a newspaper to publish official proceedings, legal notices, or advertisements in Orleans or Jefferson Parish
 HB837HAVARDLAW ENFORCE/OFFICERS - Provides relative to training requirements for municipal chiefs of police
 HB838HOFFMANNREAL ESTATE - Provides relative to fees charged by the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board (EN +$36,250 SG RV See Note)
 HB894HOFFMANNREAL ESTATE/APPRAISERS - Provides relative to the membership requirements for the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board
 HB915A.WILLIAMSCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Requires the levy of a warrant recall fee to fund a misdemeanor jail in East Baton Rouge Parish (RE INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB950A.WILLIAMSDISTRICTS/CRIME PREVENT - Provides relative to the Goodwood Homesites Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Improvement District
 HB955LEGERBOARDS/COMMISSIONS - Provides relative to training requirements for board members of transit authorities
 HB981GAINESTAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL-EXEM - Authorizes political subdivisions in St. John the Baptist Parish to establish local sales tax holidays (EN DECREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB989ROBERT JOHNSONJUDGES/JUSTICE OF PEACE - Provides with respect to qualifications for justices of the peace
 HB1018HOFFMANNREAL ESTATE - Provides relative to the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Law
 HB1086BARRASECONOMIC DEVEL/COMMUNITY - Authorizes economic development districts or authorities to approve the creation of nonprofit economic development corporations
 HB1091WILLMOTTANIMALS - Prohibits the transportation of dogs in pickup truck beds on certain roadways unless humanely secured
 HB1109POPEPLANNING/ZONING - Provides with respect to meetings of planning commissions located in certain municipalities
 HB1112SHERMAN MACKMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates the National Rifle Association special prestige license plate
 HB1127LOPINTOMTR VEHICLE/WINDSHIELDS - Extends the medical exemption to the area below the top six inches of a vehicle windshield if authorized by an optometrist or a physician
 HB1140GAINESHIGHWAYS - Renames a portion of Louisiana Highway 3179 in St. John Parish as "Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard"
 HB1150LORUSSOMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to military honor license plates for service during the Cold War
 HB1234PONTISECURITIES - Provides relative to the registration of securities
 HB1238MORENOMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Provides for a "For Hire" special license plate (EN +$42,375 SG RV See Note)


1. House and Concurrent Resolutions Third Reading for Final Consideration

Scheduled for floor debate on 4/15/2014
 HCR13ST.GERMAINNATURAL RESOURCES DEPT - Approves the 2014-2015 Atchafalaya Basin Annual Plan
 HCR49CHAMPAGNECOASTAL RESOURCES - Urges and requests the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority to create a body of coastal parishes to aid in compliance with the RESTORE Act
 HCR50CHAMPAGNECOASTAL RESOURCES - Memorializes congress to provide for certain aspects of the RESTORE Act
 HCR54ST.GERMAINSALT DOMES - Requests the office of conservation to study the effect of implementing certain requirements for operators of salt dome caverns

5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Scheduled for floor debate on 4/15/2014
 HB285ST.GERMAINMTR VEHICLE/DRIVER LIC - Provides relative to documentation of school attendance as a condition of driving privileges
 HB464BROADWATERSNAP/FOOD STAMPS - Establishes a pilot initiative for training and education to serve certain recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits (EN DECREASE FF RV See Note)
 HB465BROADWATERTAX/AD VALOREM TAX - Provides with respect to ad valorem taxes on shares of bank stock (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
 HB466H.BURNSHUMAN REMAINS - Provides for requirements relative to the disposal of human remains
 HB469LANCE HARRISSECONDHAND DEALERS - Prohibits the payment of cash for the purchase of aluminum-copper air conditioning coils
 HB479PONTIPROCUREMENT - Requires the commissioner of administration to develop policies and procedures for notification of the Louisiana Procurement Technical Assistance Center regarding public bid and other competitive opportunities for state procurements and public contracts (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB583SHERMAN MACKASSESSORS - Requires the Livingston Parish assessor to pay the cost of certain insurance premiums for eligible retirees of the assessor's office (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 HB712GREENETAX/SEVERANCE TAX - Prohibits the state from paying interest on refunds for the overpayment of certain severance taxes (EN +$4,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB713GREENETAX/SEVERANCE TAX - Provides that severance taxes do not have to be paid during the period of a suspension or exemption from severance tax under certain circumstances (EG -$28,500,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB788LEGERCONVENTION FACILITIES - Provides with respect to the Ernest N. Morial New Orleans Exhibition Hall Authority (EN +$71,650,000 LF EX See Note)
 HB792REYNOLDSASSESSORS - Authorizes the Webster Parish Assessment District to provide for an automobile expense allowance for the office of the assessor (EN INCREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB803BERTHELOTFIRE PROTECT/FIREMEN - Authorizes the state fire marshal to promulgate rules and regulations regarding workers' compensation coverage for volunteer firefighters
 HB1028SCHEXNAYDERADOPTION - Provides relative to certain birth records (RE INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB1050CHANEYTAX/AD VALOREM-EXEMPTION - Provides relative to the ad valorem tax exemption for certain agricultural machinery and other implements (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB1055GUINNHIGHWAYS - Provides relative to Louisiana Byway designations
 HB1133T.BURNSCIVIL/MANDATE - Provides with respect to review of the actions of a mandatary
 HB1256HARRISONGOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION - Creates the Dept. of Health and Hospitals and Children and Family Services, abolishes the Dept. of Health and Hospitals (DHH) and the Dept. of Children and Family Services (DCFS), and creates separate entities within the new department as successors to the abolished departments (RE INCREASE See Note)
 HB1257LOPINTOPROBATION - Provides for the procedures by which conditions of probation may be modified, changed, or discharged and procedures by which a defendant's probation may be terminated (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB12P.SMITHCRIME - Amends crime against nature and aggravated crime against nature relative to certain provisions held to be unconstitutional (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB159P.SMITHPAROLE - Reduces length of time that must be served by certain offenders before becoming parole eligible (EG DECREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB196P.SMITHCORRECTIONS - Provides with respect to work release eligibility for habitual offenders (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB213GREGORY MILLERCAMPAIGN FINANCE DISCLOS - Provides relative to election day expenditure reports

Scheduled for floor debate on 4/16/2014
 HB264GREGORY MILLERETHICS/FINANCIAL DISCLOS - Clarifies provision requiring disclosure of interest in immovable property
 HB280IVEYWEAPONS/FIREARMS - Provides reduced fees for concealed handgun permits for active duty members, reserve members, and veterans of U.S. armed forces (EN DECREASE SD RV See Note)
 HB297DOVEMINERALS/MINERAL BOARD - Relative to the methods of payment for deposits accompanying bids for mineral leases on state lands
 HB305HOFFMANNABORTION - Prohibits providers of elective abortions and their affiliates from delivering certain instruction or materials in schools
 HB307RITCHIESTUDENT/LOANS-SCHOLARSHP - Concerning Tulane University scholarships for students nominated by legislators, provides relative to requirements, procedures, limitations, and publication of information
 HB325LOPINTOCRIME - Amends provisions of law regarding justification in the use of force or violence
 HB405T.BURNSCAMPAIGN FINANCE - Provides relative to prescription of certain campaign finance violations
 HB408CHAMPAGNECOASTAL RESOURCES - Provides for audits of certain coastal restoration projects (EG INCREASE SG EX See Note)
 HB417LOPINTOCRIME - Creates the crime of residential contractor fraud (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB431T.BURNSELECTIONS - Provides relative to certain campaign finance penalties applicable to certain political committees and changes the date of the presidential preference primary and elections held at the same time
 HB486TALBOTCAMPAIGN FINANCE - Requires political committees to provide certain notifications to candidates and principal and subsidiary campaign committees of candidates
 HB487A.WILLIAMSHEALTH CARE - Provides relative to criminal background checks of ambulance personnel
 HB694T.BURNSETHICS/FINANCIAL DISCLOS - Provides relative to certain notifications regarding the filing of certain Tier 2 personal financial disclosure statements
 HB695T.BURNSCAMPAIGN FINANCE DISCLOS - Authorizes the supervisory committee or its staff to request clarification or additional information from a person required to file campaign finance disclosure reports
 HB802BARROWPUBLIC HEALTH - Establishes a task force on toxic mold (EN INCREASE See Note)
 HB852TALBOTINSURANCE/GROUP - Provides relative to the disclosure of insurance claims data
 HB858BARROWSTATE AGENCIES - Provides that an action by a state agency which results in the termination of one hundred or more employees or a change in the parish in which one hundred or more employees report to work shall not be effective or enforcable unless it meets certain requirements
 HB873T.BURNSETHICS/CODE - Provides relative to the confidential and privileged nature of certain records of the Board of Ethics
 HB1037HAZELCRIME - Amends criminal penalties for violations of the statute regarding Peeping Toms
 HB1057THIERRYINSURANCE/HEALTH - Provides relative to risk-based capital for health organizations

Scheduled for floor debate on 4/17/2014
 HB1066J.THOMPSONWEAPONS/HANDGUNS - Provides with respect to federal background checks for concealed handgun permit holders
 HB1071CHANEYHUNTING/LICENSES - Reduces the time required to qualify as a resident for hunting and fishing licenses
 HB1105HODGESCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Requires posting of the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline in outpatient abortion facilities
 HB1108T.LANDRYCRIME - Provides with respect to the issuance of arrest warrants by magistrates
 HB1131PYLANTLAW ENFORCE/OFFICERS - Provides relative to training for part-time law enforcement officers
 HB1149LORUSSOINSURANCE - Adds a representative of the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies to the Louisiana Property and Casualty Insurance Commission
 HB1169B.ADAMSINSURANCE/POLICIES - Provides with respect to insurance premium finance companies
 HB1195LORUSSOINSURERS/AGENTS - Provides relative to unfair trade practices in the business of insurance
 HB1223CONNICKGAMING/REVENUE - Provides relative to the expenditure of slot machine proceeds for capital improvements and maintenance of the horse racing facility in Orleans Parish
 HB1258THIBAUTMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to motor vehicle inspection checkpoints (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB1259PRICEFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Provides relative to the admissibility of electronic reproductions of records retained by financial institutions (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB1260N.LANDRYMARRIAGE - Provides relative to notice of certain expenses under the Covenant of Marriage Act (EN NO IMPACT See Note)

Not yet scheduled for floor debate
 HB127HARRISONSCHOOLS/ST SUPERINTDT - Provides for election of the state superintendent of education (EG -$80,000 GF EX See Note)
 HB171PEARSONSCHOOLS/EMPLOYEES - Requires school boards and charter school governing authorities to offer to their employees the opportunity to participate in the La. Public Employees Deferred Compensation Plan
 HB954LEGEREDUCATION/PRE-K - Provides relative to the Cecil J. Picard LA 4 Early Childhood Program (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB988SCHRODERSTUDENT/STANDARDS - Permits public school governing authorities to develop and implement curriculum, content, and methodology in lieu of that recommended by the state Dept. of Education or the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB1261ABRAMSONFISCAL CONTROLS - Requires certain quasi public and nongovernmental entities to submit information to the legislative auditor and be approved by the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget prior to receiving state monies or assistance (RE +$135,000 GF EX See Note)
 HB1262IVEYABORTION - Provides relative to information to be conveyed to a woman prior to abortion (EN INCREASE See Note)


5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Scheduled for floor debate on 4/15/2014
 HB602ABRAMSONTAX/INCOME TAX - Creates an individual income tax checkoff for The Lighthouse for the Blind in New Orleans, Inc. (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB961PYLANTTRANSPORTATION - Provides for the labeling of speed traps
 HB613ABRAMSONCIVIL/JURY TRIALS - Provides relative to the monetary amount in controversy necessary for a jury trial
 HB917GAROFALOCIVIL/JURY TRIALS - Provides with respect to the availability of jury trials in certain civil matters

Scheduled for floor debate on 4/16/2014
 HB814JAMESMEDICAID - Extends right of Medicaid recovery in cases of third party liability for injury, illness, or death to Medicaid managed care organizations that provide covered services to Medicaid enrollees
 HB618ABRAMSONCIVIL/DAMAGES - Provides a peremptive period for action for certain damages
 HB623ABRAMSONCIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to special masters
 HB624ABRAMSONEVIDENCE - Provides relative to expert testimony
 HB754MORENODRUGS/CONTROLLED - Authorizes first responders to carry naloxone

Scheduled for floor debate on 4/22/2014
 HB869PONTIREAL ESTATE/REALTORS - Provides for changes to the post-license education requirements of real estate brokers and salespersons


Morning Hour

12. House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred to Committee
 HB100DIXONCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Establishes court costs to pay for settlements to wrongfully convicted individuals

Regular Order

5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage
 HB25TALBOTRETIREMENT/STATE SYSTEMS - Provides relative to membership in the Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System and the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana (EG DECREASE APV)
 HB98P.WILLIAMSFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for the distribution of the monies in the Shreveport Riverfront and Convention Center and Independence Stadium Fund
 HB114CONNICKPRESCRIPTION - Extends the time within which to commence a lawsuit in certain civil cases
 HB137HAVARDSTATE EMPLOYEES - Authorizes payroll deductions for dues for membership in the Louisiana Engineering Society (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB390SHERMAN MACKSTATE SYMBOL - Provides for fox pens as part of Louisiana's folklife heritage
 HB409CHAMPAGNELEGISLATIVE AUDITOR - Provides relative to the authority and duties of the legislative auditor (EG INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB524N.LANDRYCONDOMINIUMS - Provides relative to the Louisiana Condominium Act
 HB555CAMERON HENRYSTUDENTS - Provides for limitations and prohibitions on the collection and sharing of student information and provides penalties for violations
 HB588STEVE CARTERHIGHER EDUCATION - (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for members of the postsecondary education management boards and the Board of Regents to have qualifications provided by law
 HB667SIMONHEALTH - Reorganizes and recodifies the Miscellaneous Health Provisions chapter of Title 40 of the La. Revised Statutes
 HB679JACKSON-ANDREWSCRIMINAL/SENTENCING - Provides relative to the policies, duties, powers, and reports of the Louisiana Sentencing Commission (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB801ARNOLDTRAFFIC/VIOLATIONS - Limits the types of citations which can be issued from automated speed enforcement systems
 HB859ARNOLDTRAFFIC/VIOLATIONS - Requires automated traffic enforcement systems to use a standardized caution light time