Senate Daily Digest
April 20, 2015
4:30 pm
Senate Chamber


PDF Daily Digest

  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.


Senate Resolutions 2nd Reading Subject to Call
 SR20HEITMEIERSENATE - Proclaims June 10, 2015, as 610 Stompers Day and commends the efforts of the 610 Stompers organization.
 SR22DORSEY-COLOMBCONDOLENCES - Expresses condolences upon the death of Christine Bannister.
 SR23PETERSONCOMMENDATIONS - Honors and recognizes Laurita Pete, past president of the Crowley City Council, on her contributions to Acadia Parish and the state of Louisiana.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SCR38WALSWORTHCONDOLENCES - Extends the Louisiana Legislature's condolences on the death of former state Senator Erle Edwards Barham.
 SCR39E.GUILLORYCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Melanie Benit for her time as Chairwoman of the Louisiana Federation of College Republicans.
 SCR40E.GUILLORYCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Destin Sensky for his time as President of the Louisiana State University College Republicans.
 SCR42THOMPSONHEALTH SERVICES - Authorizes and directs the Louisiana Emergency Response Network (LERN) to organize and facilitate a working group of healthcare providers who deal with victims of trauma to develop recommendations for a Level III Trauma Center in Northeast Louisiana.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading Subject to Call
 SCR33DORSEY-COLOMBCOMMENDATIONS - Commends the Public Administration Institute Student Association (PAISA) at Louisiana State University and to recognize April 13, 2015, as the seventeenth annual PAISA Day at the Louisiana Legislature.
 SCR34HEITMEIERHEALTH CARE - Requests the Department of Health and Hospitals, the Department of Education, the Medicaid managed care organizations, and representatives of the Whole Child Initiative to work together to develop a plan to implement the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model developed by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

House Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 HCR47FANNINSPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH - Commends the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council and its grassroots advocacy network, LaCAN, and recognizes Wednesday, April 29, 2015, as Disability Rights Day in Louisiana

Senate Bills Reported by Committee
 SB37MORRELLLAW ENFORCEMENT - Requires the Council on Peace Officer Standards and Training to develop and continuously update certain training programs for peace officers and college or university police officers. (gov sig)
 SB57DORSEY-COLOMBPUBLIC BUILDINGS/GROUNDS - Provides for placement of a statue of the Reverend Theodore Judson Jemison Sr., better known as Reverend Dr. T.J. Jemison. (8/1/15) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB179J.AMEDEEPUBLIC PRINTING - Creates a statewide website for the publication of statutorily required notices. (8/1/15)