Senate Daily Digest
May 28, 2015
9:00 am
Senate Chamber


PDF Daily Digest

  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.


Senate Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SR152CROWEWATER/WATERWAYS - Re-creates the Lower Pearl River Basin Ecosystem Study Commission which was created pursuant to SR No. 159 of the 2014 Regular Session of the Legislature.
 SR153MURRAYCONDOLENCES - Expresses condolences on the death of Irvin Jules Briant Jr.
 SR154MURRAYCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Dr. Norman Francis on his service as president of Xavier University of Louisiana.
 SR155WALSWORTHSENATE - Designates the month of May as Foster Care Month in Louisiana.
 SR156MORRISHCONDOLENCES - Expresses condolences to the loved ones of Mr. Wilfred E. Fruge Sr.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SCR117CROWEINTERGOVERN RELATIONS - Extends the Louisiana Balance of Powers Study Commission which was created pursuant to SCR No. 113 of the 2013 Regular Session.

House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred
 HB42SAM JONESRETIREMENT/COLAS - Authorizes payments funded by state retirement system experience accounts to certain retirees and beneficiaries of such systems (REF INCREASE APV)
 HB62FOILCOLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES - (Constitutional Amendment) Exempts public postsecondary education fees from requirements for imposing a new or increasing an existing fee (RE INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB168STEVE CARTERSTUDENT/TUITION - Provides relative to tuition and fees for postbaccalaureate programs at public colleges and universities (RE INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB249LEGERTAX/TOBACCO TAX - Extends the excise tax exemption for cigars or pipe tobacco products sampled during the Convention of the International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers Association (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
 HB316PONTIFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Provides relative to licensing fees for money transmitters (EN +$58,900 SG RV See Note)
 HB356PYLANTFIRE PROTECT/FIREMEN - Provides relative to wage and hours regulations for fire departments
 HB364HALLDISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Provides relative to the governing board of the Alexandria Central Economic Development District
 HB380HOLLISSALES/TOBACCO DEALERS - Provides relative to requirements for stamping cigarettes (REF INCREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB392LOPINTOLAW ENFORCEMENT - Creates a database for certain training and hiring information for all law enforcement officers (EN INCREASE SD EX See Note)
 HB447MONTOUCETCIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL - Provides relative to the start of the working test period for entry level firefighters in certain municipalities
 HB464TALBOTLABOR - Provides relative to franchise relationships
 HB466BARRASTAX CREDITS - Provides for the eligibility of businesses to participate in the Enterprise Zone Program (EN +$7,200,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB477MONTOUCETTOBACCO/TOBACCO PRODUCTS - Provides for minimum pricing of cigarettes (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB681KLECKLEYBONDS - Changes the description of a capital improvement project for the SOWELA Technical Community College to be financed through the sale of bonds (EG1 NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB791KLECKLEYLEGISLATIVE EXPENSES - Makes appropriations for the expenses of the legislature for FY 2015-2016
 HB841LOPINTOBAIL - Provides relative to a contradictory hearing prior to release on bail in certain cases involving domestic abuse
 HB843HAZELBOARDS/COMMISSIONS - Provides for the investigation and adjudication of violations by the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners (EN INCREASE SG EX See Note)

House Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 HCR19STOKESTAX RETURN - Urges and requests the secretary of the Department of Revenue to accept an individual taxpayer's federal income tax return extension as a taxpayer's extension of time to file his state income tax return
 HCR141FOILCORPORATIONS - Requests the Louisiana State Law Institute to study and make recommendations regarding revision of the laws of limited liability companies, nonprofit corporations, and other business entities in the state of Louisiana
 HCR187ROBERT JOHNSONINSURANCE/HEALTH - Requests the Department of Insurance to study the effects on insureds and healthcare providers of the increasing amount of deductibles and coinsurance obligations required by many health insurance products being offered to Louisiana citizens
 HCR188THIBAUTSCHOOLS/NONPUBLIC - Requests state-approved nonpublic schools to consider keeping epinephrine on the school premises for emergency situations
 HCR189GAROFALOTRANSPORTATION - Urges and requests the Department of Transportation and Development to update a study regarding a new bridge at Paris Road in St. Bernard Parish
 HCR191LAMBERTTRAFFIC - Urges and requests the Department of Transportation and Development to study the implementation of flashing yellow arrows at major intersections
 HCR192THIBAUTCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Mike Wood on his retirement after thirty-seven years of service at the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
 HCR193KLECKLEYHOSPITALS - Creates the Calcasieu Hospital Council to address the issue of uncompensated care costs incurred by hospitals in Calcasieu Parish

House Bills Reported by Committee
 HB76A.WILLIAMSREAPPORTIONMENT/JUDGES - Provides for the election sections for the City Court of Baton Rouge and for the number of judges elected from such sections
 HB186MONTOUCETHEALTH/CANCER - Provides for notification to patients concerning supplemental breast cancer screening and access by patients to mammography and ultrasound reports
 HB199CROMERINSURERS - Enacts the National Association of Insurance Commissioners' Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Act (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 HB223HODGESSUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness and all statutory entities made a part of the department by law
 HB241BARRASPUBLIC PRINTING - Provides relative to the distribution and sale of certain public documents (EN DECREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB242T.BURNSELECTION CODE - Makes revisions to the La. Election Code (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB247HUVALPHYSICAL THERAPISTS - Provides relative to the disciplinary proceedings of the Louisiana Physical Therapy Board
 HB255PIERREINSURANCE COMMISSIONER - Provides relative to the authority of the commissioner of insurance to supervise insurance holding company systems
 HB260A.WILLIAMSHEALTH/SICKLE CELL ANEM - Establishes the Sickle Cell Patient Navigator Program (RE1 +$440,000 GF EX See Note)
 HB261HODGESCHILDREN/FOSTER CARE - Enacts the Quality Parenting for Children in Foster Care Act (EN +$3,080 GF EX See Note)
 HB296T.BURNSETHICS - Provides relative to records related to enforcement of provisions under the jurisdiction of the Board of Ethics
 HB317PONTIFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Provides relative to licensing fees for lenders licensed to make consumer loans (EN +$102,200 SG RV See Note)
 HB318PONTIFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Provides relative to licensing fees for pawnbrokers (EN +$27,150 SG RV See Note)
 HB354PONTIFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Provides relative to licensing fees for mortgage lenders, mortgage brokers, mortgage servicers, and mortgage originators (EN +$635,000 SG RV See Note)
 HB456THIERRYTELECOMMUNICATIONS - Requires commercial mobile service providers and telecommunications carriers to disclose call location information to law enforcement agencies during emergency situations (RE1 NO IMPACT SD EX See Note)
 HB498TALBOTHEALTH SERVICES - Provides for transparency in health services pricing and healthcare quality measures
 HB511SEABAUGHINSURANCE COMMISSIONER - Provides for appointment of counsel in matters related to rehabilitation, liquidation, or conservation of insurers, and for the distribution of receivership assets by the commissioner of insurance
 HB591BROADWATERELECTIONS - Provides relative to election dates, qualifying, and withdrawal by candidates (EN NO IMPACT LF RV See Note)
 HB601HOLLISPUBLIC SERVICE COMN - Provides age, residence, and domicile requirements for members of the Public Service Commission
 HB685SIMONINSURANCE - Provides relative to foreign insurers
 HB773LEGERECONOMIC DEVELOP/DEPT - Provides relative to fees assessed by the Department of Economic Development (EN +$1,900,000 SG RV See Note)

Senate Resolutions Reported by Committee to be Adopted
 SR110CROWEGOVERNOR - Requests the governor to appoint a cosmetologist or owner of a beauty shop or salon from the Vietnamese-American Community in Louisiana to serve on the Louisiana Board of Cosmetology at the occurrence of the next vacancy.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee
 SCR115THOMPSONWATER/WATERWAYS - Establishes the Lake Providence Watershed Council.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions to be Adopted Subject to Call
 SCR100DORSEY-COLOMBCRIMINAL JUSTICE - Requests the Louisiana State Law Institute to study the impact on reducing the delays in carrying out a capital punishment sentence.

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call
 SB41BRET ALLAINCONSERVATION - Provides relative to the Louisiana Oilfield Site Restoration Law. (8/1/15) (OR DECREASE SD EX See Note)
 SB47PERRYDWI - Provides technical changes to current law relative to the crime of driving while intoxicated. (gov sig)
 SB78FRED MILLSTAX/TAXATION - Provides the information to be submitted to the legislative fiscal information for the review of instruments relative to tax exemptions, exclusions, deductions, and credits. (RE SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB112GALLOTLOCAL OPTION - Provides for a local option election for the sale of liquor and wine in certain areas of Rapides Parish. (gov sig)
 SB119PERRYLEGISLATION - Constitutional amendment to limit the number of constitutional amendments that may appear on a ballot. (2/3-CA13s1(A))
 SB146CLAITORFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides relative to the Budget Stabilization Fund. (See Act) (EG +$25,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB167BUFFINGTONMEDICAID - Provides relative to the Medical Assistance Program. (8/1/15) (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB177ADLEYTAX/AD VALOREM - Constitutional amendment to add certain property tax exemptions and reductions and to provide with respect to tax credits associated with them; to dedicate the net state revenue increase to a Tax Credit Reduction Fund and provide for allocations from the fund; and to provide for appropriations to local tax authorities. (2/3-CA 13sl(A)) (EG -$597,000,000 LF RV See Note)
 SB181ADLEYTAX/INCOME/PERSONAL - Repeals an income tax deduction for the net capital gains on the sale of a nonpublicly traded business commercially domiciled in Louisiana. (gov sig) (EG +$3,700,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB234DONAHUETAX/TAXATION - Makes certain food businesses and any retail business except grocery stores and pharmacies with a certain number of employees ineligible for Enterprise Zone contracts. (gov sig) (EG +$1,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB240ERIC LAFLEURPUBLIC LANDS - Provides for the exchange of school lands by the Avoyelles Parish School Board. (gov sig)
 SB269ADLEYTAX/TAXATION - Requires corporations subject to Louisiana income or franchise tax which have either corporate gross revenues everywhere of $8 billion or $8 million of assets everywhere to file combined returns and limits their NOL deduction to 50% of tax liability. (gov sig) (EG INCREASE GF RV See Note)

House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee to be adopted
 HCR39HOLLISELECTIONS/RECALL - Requests the House and Governmental Affairs and Senate and Governmental Affairs committees to meet and function as a joint committee to study the advisability of reducing the number of signatures required to have a recall election
 HCR75KLECKLEYHOSPITALS - Provides for a hospital stabilization formula (RE INCREASE SD RV See Note)
 HCR84SIMONLEGISLATIVE AGCY/LAW INST - Directs the La. State Law Institute to reorganize and recodify the Miscellaneous Health Provisions chapter of Title 40 of the La. Revised Statutes
 HCR86SIMONHEALTH/HOME CARE - Creates a study committee on family caregiving and long-term supports
 HCR87HARRISONCONGRESS - Memorializes the United States Congress to amend the employer shared responsibility provisions of the Affordable Care Act to eliminate penalties on school districts
 HCR121HODGESINTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - Expresses the sense of the legislature concerning the right of Israel to exist and to defend itself
 HCR124BURRELLCRIME - Requests that the North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory be named in honor of Charles Rex Scott
 HCR132CAMERON HENRYCHILDREN/ABUSE - Requests a study on prospective implementation of a system to help health practitioners identify child abuse
 HCR133SCHEXNAYDERHEALTH/SPINAL CORD DYS - Urges and requests the Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Advisory Board to study and make recommendations for providing services to persons with injuries arising from sudden internal medical conditions
 HCR143HARRISONFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Relative to Louisiana insurance laws regulating both financial institutions and the unfair trade practice of tying banking products or services to insurance products

House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee Subject to Call
 HCR157GISCLAIRTRANSPORTATION - Urges and requests Department of Transportation and Development to lower the speed limit on Louisiana Highway 3235 in Lafourche Parish

House Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage
 HB285MONTOUCETPEST CONTROL OPERATORS - Provides relative to fees established for certain structural pest control business owners (EG INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB291ANDERSHORTICULTURE - Increases fees and civil penalties relative to the regulation of Horticulture (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB462KENNY COXSTUDENTS - Provides relative to eligibility requirements for receipt of certain TOPS awards and a career diploma (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB526OURSODISTRICTS/CRIME PREVENT - Creates the Woodlawn Estates Crime Prevention and Improvement District in East Baton Rouge Parish (EN +$116,616 LF RV See Note)
 HB694ABRAMSONPUBLIC PROPERTY - Provides relative to the sale of certain immovable property by and to the Orleans Parish School Board
 HB695ABRAMSONSCHOOLS/TRANSPORTATION - Provides relative to the loading and unloading of students on to and off of school buses
 HB57HONOREWEAPONS/FIREARMS - Excludes the legislative auditor and designated investigative auditors from prosecution for the illegal carrying of weapons in certain circumstances
 HB67KENNY COXWEAPONS/FIREARMS - Excludes retired district attorneys and retired assistant district attorneys from prosecution for the illegal carrying of weapons in certain circumstances (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 HB98HENSGENSCLERKS OF COURT - Provides relative to group insurance expenses of the clerk of court in Cameron Parish (EN +$4,400 LF EX See Note)
 HB107SHADOINCLERKS OF COURT - Provides relative to group insurance expenses of the clerks of court in the parishes of Ouachita and Avoyelles (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF See Note)
 HB112ARNOLDCOURTS/DISTRICT - Provides relative to the judgeships in the Domestic Relations Division of the Orleans Civil District Court
 HB149BADONCRIMINAL/SENTENCING - Amends certain criminal penalties for possession of marijuana (EN -$1,727,056 GF EX See Note)
 HB153T.BURNSCRIME - Creates the crime of unlawful distribution of material harmful to minors through the Internet (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB161T.LANDRYPAROLE - Provides with respect to technical parole violations
 HB191KENNY COXPAROLE - Provides relative to certain infectious disease testing of inmates released from state prison facilities (EN +$17,586 FF EX See Note)
 HB195JIM MORRISCORONERS - Provides with respect to the office of coroner (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB196SCHEXNAYDERPROPERTY/SERVITUDES - Provides relative to utility servitudes
 HB233B.ADAMSALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Authorizes the permitting and operation of microdistilleries in Louisiana (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB258THIERRYCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Authorizes the collection of bench warrant fees in the 27th Judicial District Court (EN +$67,200 LF RV See Note)
 HB275GUINNPESTICIDES/HERBICIDES - Provides with respect to the use of pest control products in certain school classrooms
 HB292BARRASJUVENILES - Provides relative to early intervention programs
 HB295TERRY BROWNAGRICULTURE - Provides for a forest protection assessment and the transfer of monies received from the assessment to the Louisiana Agricultural Finance Authority (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB310SHERMAN MACKAGRICULTURE - Provides relative to the regulation of seed dealers (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB331BERTHELOTALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Transfers the labeling review authority for alcoholic beverages
 HB335H.BURNSMALPRACTICE/MEDICAL - Adds licensed dietitians/licensed nutritionists under the medical malpractice act
 HB343HAZELALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides relative to the public possession of alcohol by persons under the age of twenty-one years
 HB358SCHRODERVETERINARIANS - Authorizes the state veterinarian to quarantine any animal until certain inspections are completed
 HB368BADONFAMILY VIOLENCE - Establishes family justice centers to assist victims of certain offenses (EN LF EX See Note)
 HB369BARROWDOMESTIC ABUSE - Provides due process measures for members of the state domestic violence coalition
 HB385N.LANDRYCHILDREN/ABUSE - Provides with respect to mandatory reporters
 HB497CAMERON HENRYCIVIL/ACTIONS - Provides for the recovery of damages for injuries arising out of an act of terror
 HB539JAMESDOMESTIC ABUSE - Provides relative to civil remedies for domestic abuse
 HB603WILLMOTTCHILDREN/NEWBORNS - Provides for annual communications and public information plans concerning the Safe Haven Law
 HB728GAROFALOCOURTS/JUSTICE OF PEACE - Provides relative to justice of the peace courts
 HB836HODGESMARRIAGE/LICENSE - Provides for documentation and verification of certain information submitted by applicants for marriage licenses
 HB837PRICECRIMINAL/RECORDS - Provides with respect to expungement

House Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call
 HB10PEARSONRETIREMENT/TEACHERS - Authorizes a member of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana to purchase credit for service as a teacher at an out-of-state nonpublic school (EG SEE ACTUARIAL ANALYSIS)
 HB48THIBAUTRETIREMENT/STATEWIDE SYS - Provides relative to the authority of statewide retirement systems to fund cost-of-living increases with funding deposit account balances (EN NO IMPACT APV)
 HB123THIBAUTAUDITS/AUDITING - Provides relative to the threshold for certain audit requirements (EN DECREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB154STEVE CARTERLEGISLATION - Provides for technical corrections to various provisions of Title 17 of the La. Revised Statutes
 HB221HALLINSURANCE/SURPLUS LINE - Provides relative to reporting requirements for the surplus lines insurance tax
 HB250LEGERFUNDS/FUNDING - Authorizes additional deposits into the Workforce Training Rapid Response Fund and requires a private match for the use of the additional deposits (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB386LEGERFUNDS/FUNDING - Dedicates interest earnings of the Deepwater Horizon Economic Damages Collection Fund to higher education (EN INCREASE SD RV See Note)