Senate Daily Digest
June 6, 2015
9:00 am
Senate Chamber


PDF Daily Digest

  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.


Senate Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SR182NEVERSCOMMENDATIONS - Commends former Bogalusa City Councilman Daniel "Danny" D. Stogner for his dedicated and enthusiastic public service to the people of Bogalusa.
 SR184NEVERSCOMMENDATIONS - Commends former Bogalusa Mayor Charles E. Mizell Sr. on his leadership and record of dedicated public service to the people of Bogalusa and Washington Parish.
 SR185THOMPSONCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Zahir "Bo" Bolourchi upon his retirement after forty-seven years of service with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development.
 SR186MORRELLCONDOLENCES - Expresses condolences on the death of Christopher "Chris" San Marco.
 SR187CHABERTADMINISTRATION DIVISION - Requests the division of administration to study the feasibility of using alternative delivery methods for public large scale construction projects.
 SR188DORSEY-COLOMBMUNICIPALITIES - Requests the Senate Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs to study the effects pollution has on local municipalities.
 SR189GALLOTCONDOLENCES - Expresses condolences upon the death of Herman H. "Buddy" Collins Jr.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SCR132CLAITORHEALTH/HOSPITALS DEPT - the Department of Health and Hospitals to conduct a study on access to psychiatric medications and the costs for nonaccess to such medications.
 SCR133DORSEY-COLOMBCOMMENDATIONS - Commends David Holmes on his academic achievements and impeccable leadership.
 SCR134DORSEY-COLOMBCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Christopher Michael Bester for his outstanding accomplishments.

House Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading Subject to Call
 HCR113HARRISONINSURANCE/GROUP-STATE - Urges and requests the Office of Group Benefits to study the cost for each member school board to terminate participation in the programs offered by the Office of Group Benefits

Special Order No. 1 for 6/8/15.
 HB1FANNINAPPROPRIATIONS - Provides for the ordinary operating expenses of state government for Fiscal Year 2015-2016

Special Order No. 2 for 6/8/15.
 HB2ROBIDEAUXCAPITAL OUTLAY - Provides for the comprehensive Capital Outlay budget

Special Order No. 3 for 6/8/15.
 HB3ROBIDEAUXCAPITAL OUTLAY - Provides for the Omnibus Bond Act

Senate Bills Returned from House with Amendments
 SB88ADLEYCONSERVATION - Provides for drilling units and authorizes the permitting of cross-unit wells. (8/1/15)
 SB117SMITHSEX OFFENSES - Provides relative to certain sex offenses. (8/1/15)
 SB131JOHNSGAMING - Provides that an elected public official can do business with gaming licensees as a non-key gaming employee. (gov sig)
 SB133PEACOCKPARISHES - Provides criteria for parish governing authorities to consider when determining a heavily populated area within the unincorporated area of the parish for purposes of prohibiting, restricting, or regulating the shooting of firearms. (8/1/15)
 SB158HEITMEIERMALPRACTICE - Requires the reporting of malpractice claims paid by insurers or self- insurers on behalf of certain health care providers in an annual report to the Senate and House committees on health and welfare. (gov sig)
 SB172MORRISHLIABILITY INSURANCE - Provide with respect to the Transportation Network Company Motor Vehicle Responsibility Law. (See Act)
 SB190CLAITORPUBLIC RECORDS - Provides relative to the records of the governor. (1/11/16)
 SB210RISERWILDLIFE/FISHERIES DEPT - Provides for the administration and uses of monies in the Hunters for the Hungry Account. (8/1/15)
 SB212WARDHUNTERS/HUNTING - Allows the carrying of certain firearms while hunting with a bow. (gov sig)
 SB216MORRISHINSURANCE DEPARTMENT - Provides for the reorganization of the Louisiana Department of Insurance. (gov sig)
 SB245ERDEYCHILDREN - Provides for the reasonable and prudent parent standard and for certain considerations in foster care case plans and licensing requirements. (gov sig) (EN +$3,080 GF EX See Note)

Senate Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee
 SCR131CLAITORHOSPITALS - Provides for a hospital stabilization formula. (OR INCREASE SD RV See Note)

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call
 SB41BRET ALLAINCONSERVATION - Provides relative to the Louisiana Oilfield Site Restoration Law. (8/1/15) (OR DECREASE SD EX See Note)
 SB65BUFFINGTONCOLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES - Provides relative to postsecondary education management boards. (8/1/15)
 SB78FRED MILLSTAX/TAXATION - Provides the information to be submitted to the legislative fiscal information for the review of instruments relative to tax exemptions, exclusions, deductions, and credits. (RE SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 SB112GALLOTLOCAL OPTION - Provides for a local option election for the sale of liquor and wine in certain areas of Rapides Parish. (gov sig)
 SB119PERRYLEGISLATION - Constitutional amendment to limit the number of constitutional amendments that may appear on a ballot. (2/3-CA13s1(A))
 SB146CLAITORFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides relative to the Budget Stabilization Fund. (See Act) (EG +$25,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB167BUFFINGTONMEDICAID - Provides relative to the Medical Assistance Program. (8/1/15) (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB177ADLEYTAX/AD VALOREM - Constitutional amendment to add certain property tax exemptions and reductions and to provide with respect to tax credits associated with them; to dedicate the net state revenue increase to a Tax Credit Reduction Fund and provide for allocations from the fund; and to provide for appropriations to local tax authorities. (2/3-CA 13sl(A)) (EG -$597,000,000 LF RV See Note)
 SB181ADLEYTAX/INCOME/PERSONAL - Repeals an income tax deduction for the net capital gains on the sale of a nonpublicly traded business commercially domiciled in Louisiana. (gov sig) (EG +$3,700,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB234DONAHUETAX/TAXATION - Makes certain food businesses and any retail business except grocery stores and pharmacies with a certain number of employees ineligible for Enterprise Zone contracts. (gov sig) (EG +$1,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB240ERIC LAFLEURPUBLIC LANDS - Provides for the exchange of school lands by the Avoyelles Parish School Board. (gov sig)
 SB269ADLEYTAX/TAXATION - Requires corporations subject to Louisiana income or franchise tax which have either corporate gross revenues everywhere of $8 billion or $8 million of assets everywhere to file combined returns and limits their NOL deduction to 50% of tax liability. (gov sig) (EG INCREASE GF RV See Note)

House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee Subject to Call
 HCR15MONTOUCETTAX/SALES & USE - Suspends annual state sales tax holidays until 60 days after adjournment of the 2016 Regular Session of the Legislature (EG1 +$3,300,000 GF RV See Note)
 HCR29HARRISONENVIRONMENT/AIR - Urges and requests the United States Environmental Protection Agency not to adopt the proposed guidelines on carbon dioxide emissions from existing fossil fuel-fired electric units
 HCR104DOVEFISHING/OYSTERS - Creates the Oyster Lease Moratorium Lifting Committee
 HCR175JEFFERSONCORRECTIONS - Requests the Department of Public Safety and Corrections to develop a work release program for persons convicted of offenses involving the failure to pay child support

House Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage
 HB549THIBAUTTAX/SEVERANCE-EXEMPTION - Modifies exemptions, suspensions, and special rates from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017 (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB555FANNINTAX/SALES-USE, STATE - Provides relative to the collection of state sales and use taxes due on sales made in Louisiana by a remote dealer (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
 HB568THIERRYPHARMACISTS - Provides relative to the licensing and regulation of pharmacists
 HB577JACKSON-ANDREWSMUNICIPAL - Provides relative to extension or contraction of corporate limits of municipalities by means of petition and ordinance
 HB623REYNOLDSDISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Creates a special taxing district in Webster Parish to fund the coroner's office (EN +$2,069,220 LF RV See Note)
 HB624JACKSON-ANDREWSTAX/CORP INCOME - Reduces the amount of certain corporate income tax exclusions and deductions (EN +$122,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB629JACKSON-ANDREWSTAX CREDITS - Reduces income and corporation franchise tax credits (EN +$31,500,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB635JACKSON-ANDREWSTAX/TAX REBATES - Reduces all tax rebates (EN +$5,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB640M.JOHNSON(DISTRICT 8)ELECTION OFFENSES - Provides relative to election offenses
 HB690LORUSSOHOUSING/AUTHORITIES - Provides with respect to the Housing Authority of New Orleans
 HB693LEGERDISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Creates the New Orleans Exhibition Hall Authority Economic Growth and Development District (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB715HALLDISTRICTS/DOWNTOWN DEVEL - Provides relative to the Pineville Downtown Development District
 HB717P.SMITHLOCAL GOVERNMENT - Prohibits parishes and municipalities from enacting certain ordinances with respect to emergency services provided to victims of domestic abuse and other crimes
 HB733HENSGENSMUNICIPAL/ANNEXATION - Provides relative to annexation procedures in the city of Abbeville
 HB741A.WILLIAMSLABOR - Provides relative to workforce development
 HB746MIGUEZENVIRONMENT/WASTE TIRES - Provides for the waste tire program in the Department of Environmental Quality (RE1 +$87,000 SD RV See Note)
 HB760FANNINAGRICULTURE/BEEF - Provides relative to assessments levied by the Louisiana Beef Industry Council
 HB761WOODRUFFDISTRICTS/SPECIAL - Establishes an urban agriculture incentive zone
 HB765ANDERSAGRICULTURE/FOREST DEPT - Amends the Agricultural Commodities Dealer and Warehouse Law (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB766B.ADAMSCOLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES - Provides relative to the operations of public colleges and universities and exemptions from specified regulations
 HB805B.ADAMSTAX CREDITS - Provides for the carry forward rather than the refund of a certain portion of the tax credits for ad valorem taxes paid to local governments (EN +$129,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB808BARRASDISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Provides relative to the powers and duties of the Iberia Economic Development Authority
 HB823BARROWDISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Provides relative to the Greenwell Springs-Airline Economic Development District in East Baton Rouge Parish
 HB829ROBIDEAUXTAX CREDITS - Provides relative to the motion picture investor tax credit (EN +$77,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB839MIGUEZLIABILITY/CIVIL - Provides a limitation of liability for certain facilities operated by nonprofit youth organizations
 HB840STOKESINTERIM EMERGENCY BOARD - Provides procedures and requirements for obtaining consent of the legislature for certain acts of the board
 HB841LOPINTOBAIL - Provides relative to a contradictory hearing prior to release on bail in certain cases involving domestic abuse
 HB844THIERRYEDUCATION - Provides relative to the implementation of the assessment and accountability system for publicly funded early childhood education programs (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB846ORTEGOWATERWAYS - Provides relative to the Lafayette Parish Bayou Vermilion District (EN NO IMPACT LF See Note)
 HB847CARMODYANIMALS/DOGS - Provides relative to the application for kennel licenses by certain commercial dog breeders
 HB47ST.GERMAINPROPERTY/COMMUNITY - Prohibits certain post-divorce earnable compensation in the Firefighters' Retirement System from being included in a former spouse's portion of community property (RE NO IMPACT APV)
 HB137HAVARDPRIVATIZATION - Creates the Privatization Review Act (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB152BROADWATERSTUDENT/TUITION - Provides relative to mandatory fees charged to students at public postsecondary education institutions (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB207LANCE HARRISTAX/SALES-USE, STATE - Specifies the types of bakery products exempt from state sales and use tax (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB259THIERRYTAX/INSURANCE PREMIUM - Levies a tax on the annual gross premiums for surplus lines of insurance (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB360CHANEYTAX/AD VALOREM-EXEMPTION - (Constitutional Amendment) Specifies that the exemption from ad valorem taxation on public property shall not apply to land or property owned by another state or a political subdivision of another state (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB445SHERMAN MACKMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to entities authorized to provide services related to motor vehicles (EN +$59,500,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB448PUGHPUBLIC SFTY/DEPARTMENT - Provides relative to professional organizations that certify persons to perform chemical analysis of a person's blood, urine, breath, or other bodily substances (EN +$21,800,000 SG RV See Note)
 HB471STOKESTAX/SALES & USE - Establishes the Sales Tax Streamlining and Modernization Commission to perform a comprehensive study of Louisiana's state and local sales and use tax systems (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB508FOILTAX/INCOME TAX - Authorizes an income tax deduction for taxpayers who employ certain qualified disabled individuals (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB528LEGERMUNICIPALITIES/NO - Authorizes the city of New Orleans to create a municipal revenue amnesty program (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF RV See Note)
 HB566FANNINFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for the transfer and deposit on monies among state funds (EN +$36,100,000 GF RV See Note)
 HB604STOKESTAX CREDITS - Requires verification of qualified expenditures for certification of certain tax credits by the Dept. of Economic Development (EN +$4,762,000 SG RV See Note)
 HB663FANNINAPPROPRIATIONS/ANCILLARY - Provides for the ancillary expenses of state government
 HB664STOKESTAX/INCOME-CREDIT - Defines" inventory" for purposes of the tax credit for ad valorem taxes paid on inventory (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB678STOKESTAX CREDITS - Requirements for inclusion of a Louisiana promotional graphic or activity for productions eligible for certain entertainment industry tax credits (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 HB721IVEYREVENUE SECRETARY - Provides relative to penalties collected by the Department of Revenue (EN +$5,900,000 SG RV See Note)
 HB735STOKESTAX/INCOME TAX - Requires the withholding of individual income taxes from income earned by certain individuals for purposes of the motion picture investor tax credit (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
 HB748STOKESTAX CREDITS - Provides relative to the motion picture investor tax credit and the motion picture infrastructure investor tax credit (EN DECREASE GF RV See Note)
 HB749BURRELLTAX CREDITS - Requires the review of tax credits (EN NO IMPACT GF RV See Note)
 HB756OURSOTRANSPORTATION - Provides relative to Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles (GARVEE) Bonds (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD EX See Note)
 HB774THIERRYFEES/LICENSES/PERMITS - Provides relative to fees charged by the Department of Revenue (EN +$3,500,000 SG RV See Note)
 HB784DOVECONSERVATION/OFFICE - Provides for certain fees collected by the office of conservation (EN INCREASE SD RV See Note)
 HB791KLECKLEYLEGISLATIVE EXPENSES - Makes appropriations for the expenses of the legislature for FY 2015-2016
 HB793FANNINREVENUE SHARING - Provides for revenue sharing distribution for Fiscal Year 2015-2016
 HB800FANNINAPPROPRIATIONS/SUPPLEML - Provides for supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014-2015
 HB801FANNINAPPROPRIATIONS - Appropriates funds for the expenses of the Louisiana Judiciary for Fiscal Year 2015-2016
 HB828CAMERON HENRYTAX/CORP FRANCHISE - Phases out corporation franchise tax (RE -$36,500,000 GF RV See Note)

House Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call
 HB10PEARSONRETIREMENT/TEACHERS - Authorizes a member of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana to purchase credit for service as a teacher at an out-of-state nonpublic school (EG SEE ACTUARIAL ANALYSIS)
 HB76A.WILLIAMSREAPPORTIONMENT/JUDGES - Provides for the election sections for the City Court of Baton Rouge and for the number of judges elected from such sections
 HB114BURFORDCIVIL/ACTIONS - Authorizes the award of attorney fees relative to contempt of court
 HB123THIBAUTAUDITS/AUDITING - Provides relative to the threshold for certain audit requirements (EN DECREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB191KENNY COXPAROLE - Provides relative to certain infectious disease testing of inmates released from state prison facilities (EN +$17,586 FF EX See Note)
 HB221HALLINSURANCE/SURPLUS LINE - Provides relative to reporting requirements for the surplus lines insurance tax
 HB250LEGERFUNDS/FUNDING - Authorizes additional deposits into the Workforce Training Rapid Response Fund and requires a private match for the use of the additional deposits (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB355PUGHTAX/SALES-USE, STATE - Provide for the collection of sales and use taxes due on sales made in Louisiana by a remote dealer (RE1 SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
 HB386LEGERFUNDS/FUNDING - Dedicates interest earnings of the Deepwater Horizon Economic Damages Collection Fund to higher education (EN INCREASE SD RV See Note)
 HB456THIERRYTELECOMMUNICATIONS - Requires commercial mobile service providers and telecommunications carriers to disclose call location information to law enforcement agencies during emergency situations (RE1 NO IMPACT SD EX See Note)
 HB591BROADWATERELECTIONS - Provides relative to election dates, qualifying, and withdrawal by candidates (EN NO IMPACT LF RV See Note)

Instruments Pending Senate Conference
 SB86PERRYETHICS - Provides relative to nepotism relating to school employees. (8/1/15)
 HB7THIBAUTCRIME - Amends provisions of law regarding unauthorized entry of a critical infrastructure
 HB33BERTHELOTENVIRONMENT/LITTERING - Provides with respect to fines for the offense of littering (EN INCREASE RV See Note) (EN SEE ANALYSIS)
 HB204FOILCHILDREN/CARE - Provides relative to adult children with disabilities (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB233B.ADAMSALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Authorizes the permitting and operation of microdistilleries in Louisiana (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB394GREGORY MILLERTRADEMARKS/TRADE NAMES - Provides relative to names of business entities, trade names, trademarks, and service marks (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB451SCHEXNAYDERBOARDS/COMMISSIONS - Provides relative to boards, commissions, authorities, districts, and like entities (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX See Note)
 HB518STOKESLEGISLATIVE SESSIONS - (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for matters which may be considered in a regular session convening in an odd-numbered year (REC NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB830LANCE HARRISPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Creates the Central Louisiana Regional Port
 HCR86SIMONHEALTH/HOME CARE - Creates a study committee on family caregiving and long-term supports