House Order of the Day
March 18, 2024
2:00 PM
House Chamber


PDF Order of the Day
House Committee Grid
  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.



1. Roll Call

2. Prayer

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Reading of Journal

5. Petitions, Memorials, and Communications

6. Introduction of Resolutions
 HR20BAGLEYCOMMENDATIONS - Commends the Zwolle High School boys' basketball team on winning the Louisiana High School Athletic Association 2024 Division V Non-Select state championship
 HR21ROMEROCOMMENDATIONS - Commends the Louisiana Nursery and Landscape Association for its "Plants Make a Difference" campaign
 HR22ROMEROCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Hyacinth "Heidi" Williamson on being named a 2024 Student of the Year finalist
 HR23ROMEROCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Heath Hardesty on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
 HR24ROMEROCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Kamon Wier on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
 HR25ROMEROCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Cameron Fontenot of Welsh Boy Scout Troop 29 on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout
 HR26FREEMANHOUSE/RULES - Provides relative to use of personal electronic devices and decorum in the House Chamber and committee rooms
 HR27HUGHESSPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH - Recognizes March 19, 2024, as Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Day at the state capitol
 HR28DICKERSONCOMMENDATIONS - Commends women in industry in Louisiana for their essential roles in the state's economic, social, and cultural development
 HR29DESHOTELCOMMENDATIONS - Commends the Avoyelles Public Charter School boys' basketball team on winning the Louisiana High School Athletic Association 2024 Division V Select state championship
 HR30DESHOTELCOMMENDATIONS - Commends the Marksville High School boys' basketball team on winning the Louisiana High School Athletic Association 2024 Division III Non-Select state championship
 HR31FREEMANCONDOLENCES - Expresses the condolences of the House of Representatives on the death of Carol Gelderman
 HR32FREEMANCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Michael A. Fitts on his ten years as president of Tulane University
 HR33HILFERTYCOMMENDATIONS - Commends WDSU-TV Chief Meteorologist Margaret Orr on the occasion of her retirement
 HCR21SCHLEGELSCHOOLS/FINANCE-MFP - Provides for legislative approval of the MFP formula for FY 2024-2025 (EG +$71,300,000 GF EX See Note)
 HCR22MARCELLEPUBLIC SFTY/CORRECTIONS - Directs the Dept. of Public Safety and Corrections to establish family-sensitive policies for all correctional facilities under the jurisdiction of the department
 HCR23EMERSONHONORARY DESIGNATIONS - Designates the city of Carencro as the Seasoning Capital of the World
 HCR24MARCELLEPUBLIC SFTY/CORRECTIONS - Directs the Dept. of Public Safety and Corrections to permit incarcerated parents to virtually attend certain ceremonies involving their children
 HCR25BOURRIAQUECOASTAL RESOURCES - Approves the annual state integrated coastal protection plan for Fiscal Year 2025, as adopted by the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Board
 HCR26ST. BLANCSPECIAL DAY/WEEK/MONTH - Designates March 19, 2024, as Main Street Day at the state capitol

7. Introduction of Bills
 HB77LACOMBETAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL - Provides for the disposition of certain local sales and use taxes at the Angola State Penitentiary Prison Rodeo (EN -$23,460 LF RV See Note)
 HB181BRASSDISTRICTS/DRAINAGE - Provides for the membership of gravity drainage district boards of commissioners in Ascension Parish
 HB182TRAVIS JOHNSONDISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Creates the Ferriday Downtown Entertainment District
 HB183LACOMBEHOUSING/AUTHORITIES - Provides relative to the civil service status of employees of New Roads Public Housing Authority
 HB184MCFARLANDPOLICE/MUNICIPAL - Provides relative to police services in the village of Calvin
 HB218BAGLEYDISTRICTS/FIRE PROTECT - Authorizes Caddo Parish Fire District No. Four to levy a sales and use tax
 HB271HUGHESDISTRICTS/HOSPITAL SERVC - Provides relative to the parish hospital service district in New Orleans
 HB560HUGHESDISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL - Provides relative to the New Orleans Regional Business Park
 HB736KNOXCHILDREN - Provides for the availability of certain education and training services for adjudicated children (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 HB737DICKERSONCRIME/MISDEMEANOR - Prohibits a person from engaging in picketing at the residence or dwelling of an individual (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB738BOURRIAQUESUNSET LAW - Re-creates the Department of Transportation and Development
 HB739FONTENOTCIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL - Provides relative to certain officers, employees, and positions in the classified fire and police civil service (EN DECREASE SG EX See Note)
 HB740MARCELLECAMPAIGN FINANCE - Provides relative to the assessment of penalties for failure to timely file required reports
 HB741KNOXCRIMINAL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to convictions rendered by a verdict from a nonunanimous jury
 HB742MARCELLELIABILITY - Provides for immunity from civil and criminal liability for in vitro fertilization service providers
 HB743CARPENTERVOTERS/VOTING - Provides for absentee voting by mail by qualified incarcerated voters
 HB744GLORIOSORETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL EMP - Provides relative to part-time reemployment of retirees in the Municipal Employees' Retirement System (EN INCREASE APV)
 HB745EMERSONSCHOOLS/CHOICE - Creates and provides for the LA GATOR Scholarship Program, a universal school choice program (RE INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 HB746MCMAHENINSURANCE/GROUP-SHERIFFS - Provides relative to the Bossier Parish Retired Employees Insurance Fund

10. House and House Concurrent Resolutions Lying Over
 HCR19ECHOLSTAX/GAMING - Requests a study of the land-based casino industry
 HCR20MIKE JOHNSONCONGRESS - Provides relative to the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision

12. House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred to Committee
 HB733BAYHAMBAIL - Provides for the fixing of the amount of bail
 HB734VILLIOCRIMINAL/VICTIMS - Provides relative to victim notification (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)
 HB735KERNERCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Provides relative to penalties for distribution or possession with intent to distribute certain controlled dangerous substances (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)

14. House and House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee
 HCR5BAYHAMMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Directs the Dept. of Public Safety and Corrections to imprint "America 250" on license plates for private passenger motor vehicles

16. House Bills on Second Reading Reported by Committee
 HB55CHARLES OWENVITAL RECORDS/BIRTH CERT - Designates Act No. 470 of the 2022 Regular Session as "The Jean and Elise Act"
 HB124BEAULLIEUCHILDREN - Provides for the prospective and retroactive application of the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act
 HB146FARNUMSABINE RIVER AUTHORITY - Provides relative to board appointments for the Sabine River Authority
 HB161BAYHAMCONTRACTS - Provides relative to nondisclosure agreements
 HB277KERNERMTR VEHICLE/VIOLATIONS - Prohibits smoking in an automobile when a minor is present
 HB317SCHAMERHORNMOTOR VEHICLES - Removes the helmet requirement for certain motorcycle operators
 HB449MELERINECIVIL/LAW - Provides relative to delivery of judgment of interdiction
 HB458FONTENOTWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides relative to the regulation window tinting for patrol vehicles owned by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
 HB539BOYERTRAFFIC/VIOLATIONS - Provides relative to pedestrians walking on highways during certain periods of the day
 HB542COXMTR VEHICLE/VIOLATIONS - Provides for increased penalties for certain traffic-control signal violations
 HB589GALLEMTR VEHICLE/DRIVER LIC - Prohibits a commercial learner's permit or driver's license if not cleared by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse


5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Scheduled for floor debate on 3/18/2024
 HB21MELERINECIVIL/PROCEDURE - Authorizes service of process by commercial courier
 HB27MELERINECIVIL/PROCEDURE - Authorizes service of process by commercial courier
 HB117GREENMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates the "Mystic Krewe of Femme Fatale" specialty license plate
 HB123SCHLEGELCONTRACTS - Provides for consent of a legal representative of a minor who contracts with certain parties
 HB136JACKSONHIGHWAYS - Designates a portion of Highway 175 in Mansfield, Louisiana, in DeSoto Parish as the "Jerius Marshall Highway" and a portion of Highway 133 in Start, Louisiana, in Richland Parish as the "Luke Letlow Memorial Highway"
 HB278ROMEROHIGHWAYS/INTERSTATE - Designates a certain portion of Louisiana Highway 383
 HB432ILLGMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates the "LSU Baseball National Champions" specialty license plate
 HB641KNOXMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates specialty license plates
 HB648ZERINGUEHIGHWAYS/INTERSTATE - Designates the bridge on Louisiana Highway 648 over Bayou Lafourche as the "Austin Bush Memorial Bridge"