House Order of the Day
November 21, 2024
11:00 AM
House Chamber


PDF Order of the Day
House Committee Grid
  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.



1. Roll Call

2. Prayer

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Reading of Journal

5. Petitions, Memorials, and Communications

6. Introduction of Resolutions

7. Introduction of Bills


4. House Bills Amended by Senate to be Concurred in by the House

Scheduled for concurrence on 11/21/2024
 HB24GEYMANNMINERALS/MINERAL BOARD - Provides for the leasing of state property for energy-related purposes (Item #17) (EN +$38,175 SD RV See Note)

6. Senate Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage

Scheduled for floor debate on 11/21/2024
 SB1MORRISCOURTS - Constitutional amendment to provide for jurisdiction of courts. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (Item #20) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB2CLOUDJUVENILE JUSTICE - Constitutional amendment to provide relative to offenses to which special juvenile procedures are not applicable. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (Item #19) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB5MORRISCOURTS - Constitutional amendment to provide for elections to fill newly-created judgeships and judicial vacancies and for exceptions as to courts of limited or specialized jurisdictions. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (Item #20) (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 SB9GREGORY MILLERCIVIL PROCEDURE - Provides for legislative continuances and extensions of time for legislators and legislative employees. (Item #20) (gov sig)


Regular Order

5. House Bills on Third Reading and Final Passage
 HB9RISERTAX/SALES & USE - Provides for sales and use tax on certain services (Items #8 and 13) (EG +$492,000,000 RV See Note)