House Committee on House and Governmental Affairs
November 14, 2005
1:30 pm
Room 2


  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.


Committee Meeting Agenda
 HB27SALTERELECTIONS/SPECIAL - Provides for a special statewide election for the purpose of submitting constitutional amendments to the electors of the state (Item #4) (EN +$2,848,207 GF EX See Note)
 HB136LAFONTAELECTIONS - Provides for parochial and municipal elections in a parish containing a municipality with a population of four hundred seventy-five thousand persons after a gubernatorial declaration of a state of emergency (Item #58)
 HB138J.JEFFERSONELECTIONS/DATES - Provides for parochial and municipal elections in a parish containing a municipality with a population of four hundred seventy-five thousand persons after a gubernatorial declaration of a state of emergency (Item #58)
 HB160MONTGOMERYTECHNOLOGY - Provides with respect to the Louisiana Geographic Information System (Item #26) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 HR1TROY HEBERT (DISTRICT 22)HOUSE/RULES - Provides that it is only in order to consider one committee or floor amendment with a fiscal cost over $100,000 to any appropriation bill at any one time
 HR2TROY HEBERT (DISTRICT 22)HOUSE/RULES - Requires an identification of corresponding legislative districts for each item or project in an appropriation or capital outlay bill or amendment thereto
 HR9TROY HEBERT (DISTRICT 22)HOUSE/RULES - Provides the voting machine does not indicate a member's vote to any person until the machine is closed
 Rules Oversight: Rules proposed by Secretary of State relative to standards for effective non-partisan voter registration and voter education