2020 First Extraordinary Session
TAX/SALES: Provides for the amount of compensation dealers may retain for timely filing and remittance of state sales tax. (Item #30) (7/1/20) (EGF DECREASE GF RV See Note)
Current Status: Pending Senate Finance - Considered 6/19/20
Date | Chamber | Journal Page | Action |
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06/17 | S | 6 | Read by title. Recommitted to the Committee on Finance. |
06/17 | S | 6 | Senate floor amendments read and adopted. |
06/16 | S | 2 | Read by title. Ordered engrossed and passed to third reading and final passage. |
06/15 | S | 3 | Reported favorably. |
06/11 | S | 1 | Read second time by title and referred to the Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs. |
06/10 | S | 9 | Rules suspended. Introduced in the Senate. Read by title and placed on the Calendar for a second reading. |