Member | Address | Seat Information |
Vacant | | Appt by Gov; Rep Bus (LABI) |
Anderson, Jack H. | 2728 Athania Pkwy Metairie, LA 70002 | Appt by Gov; Pilot Mbr, Brd of River Port Pilot Comm'r, Port of NO |
Buras, Adam C. | Associated Branch Pilots 3813 N. Causeway Blvd. # 300 Metairie, LA 70002 | Appt by Gov; Pilot Mbr, Brd of Exam of Bar Pilots, Port of NO |
Gilchrist, Charles R. "Chuck" III | 4902 Ihles Rd, Suite A Lake Charles, LA 70605 | Appt by Gov; Pilot Mbr, Brd of River Port Pilot; Calcasieu Wtrway |
Jackson, Lee A. Jr. | 2805 Harvard Ave., Ste 102 Metairie, LA 70006 | Appt by Gov; Pilot Mbr, Brd of Exam for NO/BR Steamship Pilot |
Long, Timothy R. | Valero St. Charles Refinery 14902 River Road Norco, LA 70079 | Appt by Gov; Rep Bus |
Marusak, Jennifer L. | P. O. Box 66412 Baton Rouge, LA 70896-6412 | Appt by Gov; Rep LA Ports Assn (Port of NO) |
Quezaire, Roy J. Jr. | Port of South Louisiana 171 Belle Terre Blvd Laplace, LA 70069 | Appt by Gov; Rep LA Ports Assn |
Regan, Cornelius E. | 127 Arlington Dr. Metairie, LA 70001-5507 | Appt by Gov; Former LA DC Judge |