Capital Area Groundwater Conservation District

c/o Lisa Manda
3074 Westfork Dr., Ste. A
Baton Rouge, LA 70816

(225) 293-7370

RS 38:3071 et seq; 3074

MemberAddressSeat Information
Brady, Basil O. "Bob" Jr.921 Wyatt Dr
Baton Rouge, LA 70810-4737
Appt by Gov; Rep Indus Users
Brown, Nolan R. III15052 Ferrell Ave
Baton Rouge, LA 70817-1446
Appt by Gov; Rep EBR Parish
Dawson, Kenneth R.P. O. Box 32
St Francisville, LA 70775
Appt by Gov; Rep W Feliciana Parish
Dawson, William C. "Bill"313 Nicholls St
Donaldsonville, LA 70346-2433
Appt by Gov; Rep Ascension Parish
Engemann, Patrick J.4420 Mimosa St
Baton Rouge, LA 70808-3941
Appt by Gov; Rep LFB & LCA
Ewing, John "Lane" Jr.257 Maximilian Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Appt by Gov; Rep Pt. Coupee Parish
Gautreaux, Karen K.The Nature Conservancy of LA
P. O. Box 4125
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Appt by Gov; Nom by CAGWCC
Hobbins, Patrick J.768 Avenue E
Port Allen, LA 70767
Appt by Gov; Rep WBR Parish
Kerr, Patrick J.P. O. Box 96016
Baton Rouge, LA 70896-9016
Appt by Gov; Nom by Users in Dist; Furnish Wtr Supply for Munic Use
Lambert, Rachael Y., P.E.P. O. Box 1816
St. Francisville, LA 70775
Appt by Gov; Nom by Mayor, EBR; Reg Prof Eng/DPW
Leo, Jonathan S.P. O. Box 42092
Baton Rouge, LA 70835
Appt by Gov; Nom by Mayor, EBR; Prof LG or Prof Eng or Person w/ Exp in GWR Mngt
Machen, Angela R., Ph.D.P. O. Box 707
Baker, LA 70704-0707
Appt by Gov; Rep Muni Wtr User; Nom by City of Baker
Manning-Broome, Camille100 Lafayette St
Baton Rouge, LA 70801
Appt by Gov; Rep Indus Users; Nom by Coca Cola Bottle Co.
Means, Jesse IIIP.O. Box 4314
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4314
Appt by Gov; Sec, DEQ or Desig; Mbr of Staff w/ exp in GW Res Mgmt
Phares, D. Gregory "Greg"15829 Highway 67
Clinton, LA 70722
Appt by Gov; Rep E Feliciana Parish
Reonas, James M.LA Office of Conservation
P. O. Box 94275
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
Appt by Gov; Comm'r, Conserv or Desig; Mbr of Staff w/exp in GW Res Mgmt
Shaheen, Glenn G.40153 Reese Ln
Prairieville, LA 70769-6807
Appt by Gov; Rep Muni Users; Nom by Diversion Water Co.
Vetter, Cyril E.4730 Bluebell Dr
Baton Rouge, LA 70808-8734
Appt by Gov; Rep Indus Users