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      RS 49:158.1     


§158.1.  Native American Week

A.  The legislature does hereby recognize and acknowledge that:

(1)  There are four state-recognized tribes and four federally recognized tribes in Louisiana representing over twenty-five thousand Native Americans in this state.

(2)  It is the policy of this state to acknowledge the tribes within the borders of the state, to support their aspirations for the preservation of their cultural heritage and the improvement of their economic conditions, and to assist them in achieving their just rights.

(3)  The last week of September has been designated by tribes nationwide as "Native American Week" in observance and recognition of the vital role Native Americans have played in the formation of this great nation.

B.  The legislature hereby designates the last week of the month of September each year as "Native American Week" in Louisiana.

Acts 1999, No. 773, §1, eff. July 2, 1999.

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