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      RS 51:1036     


§1036. Criteria

            In furtherance of the provisions of this Chapter, the secretaries of Louisiana Economic Development and the Louisiana Department of Health shall give consideration to the following areas:

            (1) Creation and expansion of enterprise zones as provided for in R.S. 51:1781 et seq.

            (2) Inclusion or expansion of state or federal anti-poverty plans.

            (3) Education and training; scholarships; access.

            (4) Housing initiatives, including the creation of a weatherization and energy assistance fund.

            (5) Health; rural and urban access.

            (6) Transportation; completion of economic corridors.

            (7) Small business assistance.

            Acts 2002, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 162, §3, eff. April 26, 2002.

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