§1041. Strategic plan to combat poverty; renewal of communities; criterion;
A. The plan shall be a coordinated attempt to address the economic needs of
the state's economically disadvantaged citizens whose concerns have not been
addressed through the enactment of the Community Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000.
B. The plan's participants shall consist of the several parishes of the state
which possess a census tract which includes a poverty rate of twenty percent or
higher and an unemployment rate of eight and four-tenths percent or higher,
according to statistical data published by the United States Bureau of the Census for
the 1990 federal decennial census. Such parishes shall be entitled to the same
economic incentives as provided by the state in its application for renewal
C. The governor's Office of Rural Development within the Office of
Community Programs, shall extend to all census tracts or parishes meeting the
standard provided for in Subsection B of this Section, all economic incentives as
provided by the state in its application for renewal communities.
D. The Louisiana Department of Health, Louisiana Economic Development,
and the Departments of Social Services, Labor, Transportation and Development, and
Education shall provide information relative to the development of a strategic plan
to combat poverty and shall direct such information to the governor's Office of Rural
E. The director of the office of rural development shall submit an annual
report to the Senate Commerce, Consumer Protection, and International Affairs
Committee and to the House Commerce Committee detailing actions taken by the
office in furtherance of the provisions of this Chapter.
Acts 2002, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 162, §3, eff. April 26, 2002; Acts 2003, No.
183, §8.