§1782. Declaration of purpose
The legislature of Louisiana hereby finds and declares that the health, safety,
and welfare of the people of this state are dependent upon the continued
encouragement, development, growth, and expansion of the private sector within the
state. The legislature further finds and declares that there are certain depressed areas
in the state that need the particular attention of government to help attract private
sector investment into these areas, as well as many local economic efforts which
could benefit from the assistance and input of state government. Therefore, it is
declared to be the purpose of this Chapter to stimulate business and industrial growth
in these areas of the state by the relaxation of governmental controls, by providing
assistance to businesses and industries, and by providing tax incentives in these areas.
It is further declared that the effective administration of both the enterprise zone
program and the economic development zone program is the sole responsibility of
Louisiana Economic Development which, by state law, is charged with coordinating
those plans and programs aimed at developing optimum conditions for new and
expanding industrial and commercial enterprises in this state with units of local
Added by Acts 1981, No. 901, §1; Acts 1995, No. 581, §2, eff. June 18, 1995.