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      RS 51:2154     


§2154.  Artists' authorship rights

A.  Except as limited by R.S. 51:2155, any person who displays to others, makes accessible to the public, or publishes a work of fine art or a reproduction thereof shall do so in such a manner that the authorship of the work of fine art is shown to be that of the artist, unless:

(1)  The name of the artist is not known to the person and it does not appear on or in connection with the work of fine art in such a manner that it can be discovered with reasonable ease; or

(2)  The artist expressly agrees otherwise.

B.  Except as limited by R.S. 51:2155, the artist shall retain at all times the right to claim authorship of his or her work of fine art.  This right shall include the right of the artist to have his or her name appear, as the artist, on or in connection with the work of fine art or any reproduction thereof.

C.  Except as limited by R.S. 51:2155, the artist shall retain at all times the right to disclaim authorship of his or her work of fine art for just and valid reason.  This right shall include the right of the artist to prevent his or her name from appearing on or in connection with the work of fine art or any reproduction thereof.  Just and valid reason for disclaiming authorship shall include that the work of fine art has been altered, defaced, mutilated, or modified without the artist's consent and damage to the artist's reputation is reasonably likely to result or has resulted therefrom.

D.  The rights created by this Section shall exist in addition to any other rights and duties which may now or in the future be applicable.

Acts 1986, No. 599, §1.

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