§42. Definitions
For purposes of this Part, the following terms shall have the meanings specified in
this Section:
(1) "Going-out-of-business sale" means any sale advertised, represented, or held
forth as a sale to dispose of all goods as a means of ceasing to do business or changing
business location. The term shall include a sale held under the designation of "going-out-of-business", "selling out", "liquidation", "lost our lease", "forced to vacate", "moving to a new
location", "closing out sale", "store closing sale", or any other designation of like meaning.
However, the term shall not include an end-of-the-season sale or a going-out-of-business sale
limited to sale of a particular brand or line of goods.
(2) "Goods" means goods, wares, or merchandise.
(3) "Person" means an individual, partnership, voluntary association, or corporation.
(4) "Promoter" means a person who performs or offers to perform any service to
facilitate or assist in a going-out-of-business sale, including but not limited to advertising and
Acts 1995, No. 669, §1; Acts 2018, No. 374, §1, eff. July 1, 2018.