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      RS 51:521     



§521.  Definitions

As used in this Part:

(1)  "Retail drug trade" means the selling to the consumer, not for the purpose of resale, of any form of drugs, medicines, cosmetics, toilet preparations, drug sundries or allied articles, but does not include the sale of damaged merchandise if advertised, marked and sold as such, nor merchandise sold during the final liquidation of any business, or sold or donated for charitable purposes or to unemployment relief agencies, or to physicians, dentists, veterinarians or hospitals.  

(2)  "Drug retailer" means any person engaged wholly or partially in the retail drug trade;

(3)  "Retail drug establishment" means any store or department of a store engaged in the retail drug trade;

(4)  "Cost" means the manufacturer's wholesale list price per dozen or per customary unit plus a six percent mark-up;

(5)  "Drug" means any substance or preparation intended for external or internal use in the care, mitigation, treatment, remedy or prevention of disease or ailment in man or animal, and any substance or preparation intended to affect the structure or function of the body of man or animal, not including food, but including medicinal or quasimedicinal preparations;

(6)  "Cosmetics" and "toilet preparations" mean toilet articles and perfumes, toilet waters, face powders, creams, lotions, rouges, shaving creams, dentifrices, bath salts and all other similar preparations and substances, designed and intended for application to the person for the purpose of cleansing, improving, or changing in any way the appearance of the person, or of refreshing or preserving the person;

(7)  "Drug sundries" means such articles as are used in conjunction with, but not included in, drugs, cosmetics or toilet preparations.  

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