§652. Proper naming; certification on shipping cases; time for selling; exceptions; sale and
storage in homes prohibited
A. No permissible articles of consumer fireworks enumerated in R.S. 51:651 shall
be sold, offered for sale, or used in the state of Louisiana, unless such fireworks are properly
named to conform to the nomenclature of R.S. 51:651 and certified on all shipping cases and
by imprinting on the article or retail container "United States Department of Transportation
UN0336, 1.4G, 1.4S, or consumer fireworks". Such imprint shall be of sufficient size and
so positioned as to be readily recognized by law enforcement authorities and the general
B. Permissible items of fireworks, enumerated in R.S. 51:651, may be sold at retail
only from noon June sixteenth through midnight July fifth and noon December fifteenth
through midnight January first of each calendar year.
C. Fireworks shall not be sold or stored for future sale at any inhabited dwelling,
house, apartment, or other structure used in whole or in part as a home or place of abode by
any person or persons.
Acts 1958, No. 63, §§2, 3; Amended by Acts 1981, No. 928, §1; Acts 1987, No. 401,
§1, eff. Jan. 1, 1988; Acts 2001, No. 667, §1, eff. June 25, 2001; Acts 2015, No. 67, §1; Acts
2018, No. 211, §1, eff. May 15, 2018.